Chapter 4

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Tiffany Garza

As we walked into Hi or Hey Records, we were greeted by a man. "Hi, I'm Jayton. Pleasure to meet you girls," he says as he shakes our hands. As we walk into the meeting room, our jaws drop to see 5SOS there, sitting. As Jayton talks to our moms, I sneak a glance at Ashton. He looks so hot in his bandana. Unforunately, he catches me staring. He turns his head and winks at me. I blush insanely before I look at the girls and see them blushing, and their crushes smirking. Then, I hear my mother say, "Are you guys done eye-fucking each other?"

I blush and scream, "MOM!" They all laugh before settling down again.

Emily Hanson

"Alright, girls," Jayton said. "We just need you four and your parents to sign here, here, here, and here, and we are all set." We signed, and he nodded.

Then, the boys pull us aside. "Um, we need to get your numbers, for, uh, touring purposes." Michael says. I hear Katie and Tiff laugh.

They have always been the flirts of the band. "JUST touring purposes, Michael?" Katie says, winking.

"Yeah, if you just wanted our numbers, you could've just asked." Tiff smirked. All the boys blush, but I notice Luke staring at me with that adorable, stupid grin on his face, making his lip ring pop out. When we finish exchanging numbers, I look at their contact names.

Calum: Cal:)

Ashton: The Smash:p

Michael: The Cool One

Luke: Lukey The Penguin

I smile at the last one.

Katie Harris

As we finish trading numbers, I take a look at what they all put in.

Luke: Mr. Penguin

Ashton: Ash:p

Calum: Cal-Pal

Michael: Mikey;)

I blush at the last one. I might be the flirt, but I am a total sucker when it comes to Michael.

Gabby Lark

When we get done with the whole number exchange, I peek at their contacts.

Ashton: The Awesome One

Luke: Fluke

Michael: Punk Rock Kid

Calum: The Lucky Fucker

I burst out laughing at this one. Oh Cal, you're too funny!

Tiffany Garza

As we trade numbers with the boys, I can't help but look at what they put in.

Michael: Your Best Friend

Calum: Your Bestest Friend

Luke: Penguin

Ashton: Ash<3

I smile at the last one. Boy, this summer is going to be the best!

Michael Clifford

As I barely listened to Jayton, I stared at Katie. God, she was beautiful. Her lavender hair suits her so well. As I stared at her, she looked up and blushed. I smirked. Then, I heard Calum whisper to me, "Get it, buddy!" I sniggered.

As they finished signing, I realized I needed her number. So, we pulled them aside and I spoke up. "Um, we are going to need your numbers, for uh, touring purposes." I stutter out.

I see Katie laugh before saying, "JUST touring purposes, Michael?" Then, she winked at me. I blushed. Damnit! Soon, we exchange numbers.

Emily: Em The Gem

Gabby: Gabster

Tiffany: Tiff

Katie: Katie The Cool

I laughed at their contacts. But one in particular...

Luke Hemmings

I couldn't wipe that stupid grin off my face when I stared at Emily. She's just perfect in my eyes. When we finished trading numbers, I looked at theirs.

Katie:Harris In Paris

Tiffany: The Flamingo

Gabby: Panda Girl

Emily: Bæ<3

I blushed at Emily's. God, she's so fucking cute!

Calum Hood

As we began to trade numbers, I noticed that Gabby had a cute little diamond nose ring. It looked quite good on her. Their contacts looked like this:

Katie: The Boss

Tiffany: Narwhal

Emily: Fun-Size

Gabby: Gabs:)

I couldn't help but smile. I think I'm head over heels for a certain drummer. I thought about Try Hard, but with a twist. 'I play guitar, but I'm into drummers.'

Ashton Irwin

As we exchanged numbers, I looked at Tiffany and winked, smirking. She smirked back, and stuck her tongue out at me. Cheeky girl. Anyway, I looked down at their contacts.

Gabriella: Gabby:)

Emily: Mrs. Penguin

Katie: The Litlle Shit

Tiffany: That Girl;)

I laughed at all of theirs. This summer just got better!

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