Like right now for example. Cynthia's blue eyes strayed from his down to the worksheet for a moment, likely following the teacher's movements as she left, and Leon felt a little nervous, what was she up to now?

He got his answer a split second later when a shadow fell over part of his desk and he heard her voice at his ear, her voice evening out into a soft pitch while being low in volume.

Leon tensed up slightly, keenly aware of how she was leaned on her arms with one arm braced against his desk while the other rested on the top of his chair. Her black hair tickled his neck as the strands free of it's restraining ponytail brushed softly over his skin, and he could feel her body heat from her proximity along with the warm breath on his ear. "Y-Yeah C-Cynthia?" He couldn't help but stumble over his words, struggling to not be nervous about what she was going to say.

However, her response surprised him.

"There you see her," Cynthia sang quietly in his ear like a faint whisper, her long bangs slipping from behind her ear to tickle his neck and collarbone, "sitting there across the way... She don't got a lot to say but there's something about her..."

Leon tensed up a little more and his eyes widened a fraction of an inch, she was singing? Singing that though? He had never heard these lyrics before and she played everything she wrote with him around, asking for his opinions.

"And you don't know why but you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the girl..." Cynthia's voice increased a little in volume, and those who hadn't already been looking at them had their full attention now.

Leon's face went a little pink, "W-what're you talking about?"

Cynthia ignored his response and kept singing, "yes, you want her. Look at her, you know you do. It's possible she wants you too, there's one way to ask her..." Her voice increased a little more in volume and continued to as Leon guessed she reached the chorus of whatever piece she had come up with off the top of her head to do this to him. "It don't take a word, not a single word, go on and kiss the girl... Kiss the girl..."

Cynthia moved from behind him to instead perch on his desk, blue eyes twinkling in an amused way he saw all the time and for the most part, adored. Until now anyway as she leaned toward him, a faint smirk written on her pretty face before she continued singing, proudly singing it loud enough that the classroom next to them could probably hear her. "Sha la la la la la, my oh my! Looks like the boy's too shy, ain't gonna kiss the girl!"

Leon watched her wide-eyed, was she trying to embarrass him? He could see that other students had their phones out and were recording as the famed "SapphireGleam" and Cynthia Lawson, teased her boyfriend with a very much brand new song. "Cynthia... Please..."

Cynthia's smirk widened and she slid off his desk, only to playfully skip around his desk and lightly brush her fingers over his back, "Sha la la la la la! Ain't that sad? It's such a shame, too bad... You're gonna miss the girl... Go on and kiss the girl!" She bopped him on the nose with the phrase, making him jump and straighten up a little as she perched back on his desk, swinging her legs in a casual manner and leaned toward him with mischief in her blue eyes as she sang in a much softer volume. "Now's your moment, floating in a blue lagoon! Boy you better do it soon, the time will be better! She don't say a word and she won't say a word until you kiss that girl!" Cynthia leaned forward far enough that she brushed noses with him before she pulled back and threw her hands into the air and raised her voice once again, "sha la la la la la! My oh my, looks like the boy's too shy, ain't gonna kiss the girl!"

"Please..." Leon whimpered, the jocks face was flaming red from embarrassment at the moment, even worse than after Brendon's blow to his pride.

Cynthia lightly shook her head with the perfect smirk still fixed on her face, "sha la la la la la! Ain't that sad? It's such a shame, too bad, you're gonna miss the girl!" She slipped off his desk, only to pull the blonde to his feet with a strength he didn't know she had and pulled him around in circles, her blue eyes twinkling happily with a faint amount of mischief as she continued. "Sha la la la la la, Don't be scared! You better be prepared, go on and kiss the girl!" She leaned forward again and brushed her nose against Leon's for a brief second before she continued singing, pulling him around the classroom, "sha la la la la la! Don't stop now don't try to hide it, how... you wanna kiss the girl..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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