Part 2: Scars of the Past

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Somewhere Over the North Atlantic Ocean

Jesse's POV

A jolt of turbulence rocks the plane, waking me up from my dreams. I look around, disoriented for a moment, before remembering where I am. Across from me, Miles looks at me with an expression of pure understanding:

Miles: "Still having that dream bro?"

I sigh, and run a hand through my hair:

Jesse: "Every goddamn night."

Miles lets out a tired sigh, and leans in towards me:

Miles: "Man, you've got to move past that shit. That wasn't on you. Either of you."

I shake my head:

Jesse: "That's where you're wrong Miles. It was all on me."

Miles shakes his head, but doesn't say anything more on the subject. He knows better than to argue the point with me. Jordan sees that I'm awake, and plops down next to me:

Jordan: "Well them two sure seem cozy."

He nods his head to the other side of the plane, where Vince and Ash are sitting together, talking quietly. I watch, amused, as Ash laughs at something Vince says, making Vince flash her a genuine smile. It's been a while since I've seen my brother like this.

Jesse: "Yeah, they do."

Jordan: "So, what adventures have you two been up to without us man?"

I laugh softly, shaking my head:

Jesse: "Apparently nothing that could compare to you guys. Rainbow? And you never told us? Come on!"

Miles laughs as Jordan stammers out an excuse about how they were busy saving people. Jack looks back over his chair in front of me:

Jack: "Hey. We're landing."

I let out an exhausted sigh:

Jesse: "Finally. I feel like someone poured cement in my bones. Can't wait to get off this damn plane."

Jordan: "Amen brother."

Vince's POV

Hereford Base, UK

I climb out of the car, basking in the warm sunlight that greets me. Looking around, I find myself standing beside a massive training field, littered with mannequins and stray pieces of cover. Recruits in black balaclavas run timed attempts on an obstacle course, while operators laugh at the sight of their struggles. But what really makes my jaw drop, is the sight of the massive building behind the training field. It dwarfs any HQ I've ever seen. The sun setting just above it makes for a breathtaking view. The FBI team leads us into the building, and to the Mess Hall, saying that Six, the leader of team Rainbow, has to announce our arrival before we can get settled in. We enter the Mess Hall to find it mostly full already, with different teams mixed together at different tables, everyone laughing and eating with each other. My brother and I garner quite a few stares upon our entry into the room, but neither of us are bothered by the attention. I follow Jordan and Ash to a table, while Miles, Jesse, and Jack head over to grab some food. Ash sits next to me, and we make small talk for a minute, before Jesse sits down next to me, his plate loaded with food. Jordan laughs:

Jordan: "Goddamn man, you ever stop eating?"

Jesse: "Nope."

Jesse promptly follows up on this by inhaling his food, shoveling it in so fast that I'm sure he's going to choke on it. Jordan chuckles, and shakes his head:

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