His walk to work was the same as always, headphones in just admiring the world around him. He past his next door neighbour house to the right of his, as that was the direction of travel, and waved to the old couple sat on the porch of their house, they'd look after him when he was younger and his parents were always at work so he was good friends with them.

When he neared the pet shop, he saw a little girl and a little boy playing with a boy on their way to the park. They look so cute together, Jeno thought as he saw them laughing and smiling at each other whilst throwing the bouncy ball to one another.

He got to the front door and was about to push it when a father and his two daughters exited the shop with bright smiles on their faces. "Oh, hello, you must be one of the other workers?", the father spoke as he glanced at Jeno's uniform.

"Yes Sir, I am just about to start my shift", Jeno replied in a formal manner.

"Tell the cute worker that we're very happy to have bought cookie and that mommy is going to like her so much", one of the little girls, who looked about 5, squealed with a eye smile that could rival Jeno' s.

"Bomi, you can't say that about the young man who tended to us, he's too old for you", the father scolded the youngest daughter between his laughs. "But he was really cute", the girl puffs out her cheeks.

Jeno stood there in slight confusion until the other slightly older but still young daughter spoke up once she saw his name tag , "Mr Jeno, Cookie is the name of the rabbit daddy bought for mommy's birthday, she's so fluffy! Can you tell the other boy, we're really thankful that he helped us and hope he has a good day?"

Jeno smiled at the girl and patted her head, he crouched down so he was matching her height as he spoke to her, " no problem, but I think you should get home as soon as you can because cookie looks tired and might want to sleep in a big warm house"

The girl smiled back and called to her dad and sister who were arguing about the "cute worker" being to old to be her younger sisters boyfriend. "But daddy, I want him to be my boyfriend", "Bomi sweetie, he's a big boy, he's too old for you, you're only 5"

"Lets go home! I want to surprise mommy and show cookie our house" the girl took her father and sisters sleeves as she tugged them in the direction of their car.

"Thank you once again for your service", the father quickly thanked as he was pulled to his car. The youngest daughter looked like she was going to cry because her father wouldn't let Mark be her boyfriend.

"Hey, Bomi was it? Don't be sad, I'm sure there's lots of other boys who want to be your boyfriend who are your age", Jeno tried to comfort the girl.

"But I want the big boy and he's really cute", the girl whined

"When you're older and a big girl you'll meet another big boy like my friend and you'll like him lots more because you can talk about big people stuff"

"Really?", Bomi looked at Jeno with a sparkle in her eye.

"Yep, also you can have this lolly as long as you don't be sad about the cute worker", Jeno pulled out a red strawberry lollipop from his coat pocket and handed it to the girl.

"Strawberry is my favourite, thank you Mr.... Jeno", Bomi exclaimed whilst reading his name tag and bouncing off to her father and sister.

"Anytime", Jeno laughed as he entered the shop.

Why is it that I see cute couples and families everywhere when I'm the most lonley person around, it's not fair! I just want to have a cute relationship where I can have someone to talk to when I'm feeling lonely and when my family isn't here. I also wish my parents were home more so I can go places with them like the family I just saw, Jeno sighed

"Jeno?? Hello?"

Jeno snapped out of his thoughts when Mark started to wave his hands in front of his face. "Bro I've been calling your name since you entered the shop, did you not hear me?"

"Hmm? Sorry I was just a bit lost in thought", He laughed off eventhough Mark was still looking at him quite concerned.

"You sure? You looked really deep in thought but I won't force you to tell me anything", Mark smiled and patted his friend's shoulder in sympathy which Jeno was very grateful for.

Jeno walked behind the counter before hanging his bag up and leaning against the counter is a relaxed position. "That family was cute"

"They sure were, the youngest girl kept trying to pinch my cheeks", Mark whined as he pokes his cheeks to make sure they're still squishy.

"I can understand why, look at you, she's not the only one who thinks you're cute", Jeno teased Mark as he poked he cheeks whilst the latter was trying to swat his hand away.

"Who else finds me cute?", Mark asked looking at Jeno rather confused.

"Uh.. no one haha, by the way Mark , are you free after work?"

"I am, you're not asking me on a date are you?", Mark laughed.

"Eww what? No! Just cuz I like boys too doesn't mean I like you", Jeno pulled a disgusted face whilst Mark lightly punched him on the shoulder

"Who would want to date you? Actually I know someone who does but nevermind", Jeno muttered so quickly under his breath that to Mark it sounded like gibberish and considering Mark can speak more than one language, that's saying something.

" I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house, the rest of my group are coming over for a sleepover so you can finally meet the bunch of nutcases I have to put up with", Jeno opened up his groupchats getting ready to tell them Mark's answer.

"Oh haha, sure I'll come along would I be allowed to sleep over too or am I not invited to that?", Mark questioned.

"Hmm, what? Oh! Yeah sure, stay as long as you want", Jeno replied with a smile looking up from his phone.


Ilovejam: Bois, I've only gone and done it

Haeyoncé: done what?


You'll find out tonight Hae, Jeno smirked

Ayo, another update within 2 days?? Like wut??? I've just had a burst of inspiration with what I want to happen in this story so I'm writing it before I forget, this is one of the longest chapters haha

Please follow my other stories if you want :) I have a markhyuck/hyuckhei, kard, chancheol and a Jihan (svt) one

I might leave this for a bit so I can update my other ones I've accidently abandoned (especially my svt one on aff I've not updates in like half a year eventhough I started it two years ago, oops)

Please comment and vote of you enjoyed, I want to know what you think of this!!

Until next time,

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