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Three little goblins Trick-or-Treating--

Prowling neighborhoods for sugary treats.

Knocking on the doors and windows,

Yelling "Boo!" To everyone they meet.

Old ladies with blue hair, fill their treat-sacks--

With multi-colored, cellophane-wrapped disks.

Old men with no hair, hand out chocolate.

Some folks keep their doors shut, tempting tricks.

The three little goblins did not see Them...

The ghosties and the ghoulies 'neath the stairs--

Of the very last house they went a 'treatin',

Creatures that turn dreams into nightmares.

They should have listened to the big kids, but,

The three little goblins were so sure...

The big kids were jus' tellin' tales to scare 'em.

And the thought of more candy, was a lure.

Boldly, they strolled up to that last house.

The steetlamp flickered once, and then went out.

Darkness swallowed up the three goblins.

Not one soul heard a peep or cry or shout.

Three little goblins, Trick-or-Treating--

Prowling neighborhoods for sugary treats.

Knocking on the doors and windows,

Yelling "Boo!" To everyone they meet.

Their treat sacks are engorged with goodies.

With multi-colored, cellophane-wrapped disks,

And chocolate and all sorts of confections,

And the folks not giving candy, do get tricked.

But these three little goblins will not near--

The plot where the haunted house once stood.

The house where three other little goblins--

Disappeared, and now are gone for good.


Original Illustration, MLT

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