Outbreak - Chapter Eleven: The Light.

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I'm strapped down to a table in an operating room where one of the scientist are preparing to drain my body of its blood for cure research, I'm scared, is this it for me...? Is this where I die...? The scientist is out of the room to view other carriers I'm assuming, I lay here in wait until he returns.

Minutes go by, the scientist returns but with someone else, the new scientist looks at me and I look back him, I can't see him well through his hazmat visor but he just stands there and looks at me.

"Take a picture buddy! It'll last longer!" I shouted in a firm tone.

He approaches me. "Amber?" He asked unsurely.

My eyes widened at the sound of his voice, it was Robert from the Quarantine zone back home. "R-Robert?? Is that you? How..? And.. Why are you here!? Why are you helping these people?" I shouted.

He let's out a sigh and begins to explain the situation. "While you were gone the zone was attacked by ungodly types of infected... They started tearing people to shreds..."

"How did you make it out..?" I asked him.

He looks down. "When everything started going to hell in the zone, our main defence was slaughtered, the rest of the survivors fled into the streets and are god knows where now... I fled as well, left a patient bleeding on the stretcher as one of those things tore right into the tent, I ended wondering the streets until I was picked up by these soldiers, they flew me out here and they put me on 'Research Duty' as they called it, Amber I learned so much about the virus but... Not what we need to cure it... This virus... It's unlike anything we ever could've anticipated, we don't even know how some people are carrying it and not turning! It's incredible stuff! Scary but incredible!-"

I Cut him off and ask. "okay okay, so, you can get me out of here right? Please!?"

His attitude quickly changed after I said that. "That's where I need to give you the bad news Amber... This virus has spread across the country... There's no salvation for you even if I could get you out of here, and you're a carrier of the virus, if I let you go you're a detriment to the world, I let you go and then what? The border soldiers will shoot you on sight, if you get away where will you go? The entire US is overrun with this virus.. Mexico has sealed themselves off from the country and the Canadian border is quickly doing the same to prevent the spread of this virus, the world is in danger here Amber... I'm sorry but I have no choice but to use your blood for the vital research we need."

My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach at his words. "You can't do this.." I Say in a scared tone.

He looks at me with a firm expression and replies with. "We have to Amber.. I'm sorry.. Now, try to relax while I prepare you to go to sleep."

My eyes widen and I start pulling at my restraints hard and scream out. "No!!! Help me!!! Help me please!!! Help!!!! Someone!!!"

He looks back at me while the other scientist tries to stick a needle in my arm. "Keep still! Or I'll be forced to take a more direct approach!" He Shouted

I keep pulling at my restraints trying to fight him as much as I can, but he puts the needle in and injects me with the drug to put me out, I can feel myself getting blurred vision and everything is now echoing as I'm fighting, feeling myself getting weaker as the drugs take effect.

Soon I can't fight it anymore, I lay back and accept my fate, my eyes barely open still, everything is a mere blur, my heart beat is loud in my eyes, I think my life is flashing before my eyes, I can see my father telling me it's okay, that I'm going to be okay, my mother standing beside him just like in the picture I have of them at home on my dresser.

My eyes are closed, I can feel myself fading, this is where my story ends... I know it... I wonder what it would be like to die? to just go to sleep and never wake up? I guess this where I get off... Good bye.

...[The End]...

Outbreak - Special Edition.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin