Setting the Trap

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The next week went by in a breeze, spending more school time with Adrian, avoiding Kai and joking with Xander. Rosa was still so busy working that I hardly ever saw her, when I did she looked exhausted from all the work she's been doing, apparently she has to work out twice a day intensely as well as fitting it photo shoots. No wonder she looks so drained.

I say I've been avoiding Kai, in reality he just won't answer me straight.

'Why did you follow me?'

'Why did you get on a bike with a near stranger?'

'Why do you care?'

'Why shouldn't I care?'

And it went on like this until Saturday.

Xander had invited me over for an English project we were working on, reasons for loss of faith at the end of the 19th century and how that related to Hardy, fun...not!!

However, before that boat load of fun could begin, I had the task of getting my annoying 7 year old brother Dexter, or Dex for short, and Kai's angelic sister Ava to swimming, alone.

As soon as Dex and I had arrived to pick up Ava, Kai bolted out of the door and ran down then street, only to have to retreat to lock the door. Then he sprinted off again as if I were ready to kill him.

Dexter's unruly curly mop of chocolatey hair bounced as he chased Ava around tickling her and pulling at her auburn pigtails, his wide blue eyes darting around wildly. Ava's big hazel eyes gazed up at my own before she asked in a bliss childlike innocence 'why doesn't Kai like you anymore?'

If she had been any blunter I could've laughed.

'I don't know sweetie, I'll never know.' I soothed as I pulled her closer to me.

'It's obvious silly,' Dexter started with a push. 'Kai loves you, I'm certain, why else would he run away like you smell.' He and Ava both paused to sniff me before he continued with 'which you don't, you smell not bad, for once. I run away from the girls I love!'

'You've never run away from me Dex!' declared Ava with a pout.

Oh here we go again, the children ran round my legs chasing, lurching, running, dodging, all the way to the swimming centre, I said my goodbyes, double checked Mrs Matthews, Kai and Ava's mum, would be able to pick them both up and set off for Xander's.


Surprise, surprise, who do I see as the door swings open, none other than Kai Matthews himself.

'What are you doing here?' we both accused at once, scowling we turned to a quiet Xander.

Unfortunately Xander was a firm believer in 'talking it out', fortunately Kai had to squirm beneath my angry glare.

'Cat why don't you start?' Xander said.

'Gladly, so Kai, why were you stalking me?'

'I, I mean, uh I don't, well I guess, I don't want... I don't trust that guy okay' he huffed.

'Why did you tell Rosa?'

'I knew you'd see sense from her, well I thought anyway.'

'Sense? from Rosa? The girl that has practically abandoned school for a modelling career?!'

'Cat you don't...'

'Rosa? my so called best friend who hasn't spoken to me since Monday! when she heard about me and Adrian?!'

'Cat, come on don't be so harsh.' Xander intervened.

'Oh so now you're on his side?' I scowled face burning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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