New boys and intriuging offers

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As I stepped through the polished glass doors with my two best friends by my side, I knew that sixth form was a completely different world. I was attacked by the strong scent of aftershave mixed with the refreshing lime spray used by the cleaners. It was hideously confusing and overpowering to say the least. As I looked around I saw weirdly few familiar faces among the new.

Once Rosa had found us two perfect seats at the back of our form room, next to the massive windows, we then noticed what can only be described as an Adonis in a suit, with perfectly quiffed jet black hair, deep pools of darkness for eyes, a playful smirk and impressive height, he was hot. I turned to face Rosa only to find her jaw dropped to her chest and her icy eyes wide in awe. She began to blush as he sauntered towards us, ignoring the other girls staring intently at his bum. Wait he was sauntering towards us, us, me! Why would someone so perfect dare approach someone so, well.. me? Then I remembered who I was sitting next to, of course he was coming over here to talk to her. Sure enough he sidled over the chair in front of her to face her. He gently touched her jaw with his forefinger and pushed it back into place. As she blushed further and smiled, he winked causing her jaw to hit the desk once again, I rolled my eyes at the obvious flirtationship emerging.

'Something wrong honey, you jealous of blondie here?' His deep voice quized with a smirk.

'Pfft jealous? Of your pathetic attempt to make her fall madly in love with you? puh-lease no one's buying your act "honey"' I replied so confidently I was shocked, what was it about this mysterious boy? Mr Adonis nodded once and turned to face the front slowly maintaining eye contact with me for so long I felt afraid to blink.

When the bell finally rang I hurried off to English class leaving Rosa in her dazed state. I know I'm a horrific friend. .

As I walked through the door I was greeted by my absolute favourite teacher of all time. Mrs Corkins. Not only was she the best teacher in the history of ever, she also happened to be the most relatable, chilled out and anecdote filled person I had ever met. She explained that there was a seating plan and guided me to my seat.

10 minutes into the lesson the seat to my right still hadn't been filled, when suddenly a very tall slightly scruffy boy bounced through the door.

'Sorry I'm late Mrs Corkins' he managed between breaths. As he strolled towards me I noticed his slightly flushed cheeks, hazel eyes and a mop of messy dirty blonde hair that sat on top of his head. He carefully took a seat and glanced at me before sticking his hand out and announcing 'I'm Alexander Chadwick, your English buddy, or so it seems, but please for the love of God call me Xander.'

Slightly bemused I clasped his hand and shook it firmly.

'Oh uh okay uh Alex, I'm Catarina Barrett, but please call me Cat, I can't stand my full name'

'Okay Rina,' he mocked 'pleased to meet you' a cheeky smile emerging on his face.

We spent the rest of the lesson silently copying notes about Hardy's poems. Thank goodness he was taking English seriously so far.


After realising this Xander character was in all 4 of my subjects, and that I was forced to sit next to him in half, I decided to make an effort to get to know him, to make the next two years tolerable.

As the final bell went I found Xander at his locker and sheepishly caught his eye.

'Oh hey Cat!' he beamed.

'Xander, hi, I um, I was wondering if you wanted to come to town centre with me and my friends' I rushed out.

'Uh yeah,' he began uncertainly 'I'd love to actually and maybe I could have your number for notes and homework help, because you know you seem real smart and all.'

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