My life just flashes before my eyes as I just stand there in place, taking in all the memories that will come with this moment. "Guys I really don't know if I can do this...I'm kinda freaking out, what if he doesn't like the ring. Worse, what if he gets caught up in the moment and says no!" I say as I am just frozen still due to the shock and realization of reality just coursed through my veins. "Jack. Just breathe, he loves you with all his heart and more. Once he found you and just realized who he was truly meant to be with, that's when he really opened up his heart to the world. To you, he wants you to see his pain, his struggles. That's love, being able to show your true self to someone and be brave enough.

"Alright lets do this gang, whew, gotta just live without any self judgement today and from now on." "Yeah there you go! Now lets go snatch that ring for your beautiful hubby, shall we?" We walk into the ring shop with a new found smile on all of our faces. I hear the familiar yet different sounding bell ring as I open the door that could possibly change my life for as long as I live it. I pull out my phone and text Zach.


J: Hey beautiful, how'd my precious love sleep?

Z: Good honey, what's up? You weren't here when I woke up, are you ok?

J: Yes Rosy I'm fine just breathe sweetie, I'm just out with Corbyn and Christina going shopping

Z: Oh fun! Can I just ask why you didn't take me? You know my style right? Simple, with a bit pzazz, just like me.

J: Babe, again, breathe I can feel you holding your breathe it's gonna be ok, besides Chris asked me to come shopping she needed a gay's touch y'know? I'll be home soon baby I love you with all my heart always and forever.

Z: I love you too Noodles, just don't have too much fun without me sending hugs and kisses💞

J: 💖💗😘


"I don't think he caught on to what kind of shopping we are doing, he probably did in the back of his mind and let me take control." I say mindlessly as I put my phone in my back pocket. "Ok whew, good we don't wanna expose you guys and your cover yet lmao. I just don't want him to worry and get curious, you know who he can get." Corbyn says he begins to look at the rings in the cases. "How can I help you sir? Who's with you today." She says with a warmness to her voice. She was young, maybe early twenties.

"Well this is my bandmate and best friend Jack, and this is my lovely other half Christina." Corbyn says as he introduces us both. "Oh what band?!" She says as she sounds interested. "Why Don't We" "Omg I'm-omg I was watching the live stream when you and Zach came out. You guys are so inspirational and strong." She says as she means every word. "I'm Crystal by the way, huge fan Christina I ship Corbina omg I'm gonna cry." "Awww thanks honey you're too sweet. Also let me just say, your makeup? Oh my god" I say for both me and Christina knowing that she was thinking the same thing.

"Crystal if you ever want me to do your makeup hit me up sis, I'm always here!" Christina says as she writes her number down handing it to her. "Guys this is amazing, ya know what you guys can get a discount on the house, and please, don't try and talk me out of it you guys deserve it. 30% off all rings today only! I'm doing this for you guys, on behalf of all the Limelights and Chickees...thank you so much." I think I might cry any second she's too nice.

"We've done nothing, it's all you guys believe it or not sure we inspire you but we get inspired by you more. You guys are the reason we feel like breathing some days and believe me even that's hard." I say as I look into her eyes with content and happiness.

"So what were we looking for today people?" She says as she looks down at the showcase. "Well Zach likes something that has meaning, is simple yet with a bit of pzazz just like him. I like the idea of a rose gold band, classy and a bit sophisticated and with a little pzazz." "Perfect! I love a man who knows what he wants in life!" She says as she points at me, "Do you know what you want the ring to have?" "Maybe his heartbeat? From when he was born?" I say as I pull up a picture that I had Myta send to me, it took a little convincing. I told her it was for a music video photo and moment.

"Here ya go Chris. Took a bit to convince Myta, but I got it." I say as I give a bit of a yikes look with my teeth showing and my absolutely fab double chin, you know what I mean?! "Alright, bt dubs that's super cute and sweet I'm honored to be making this for y'all. This is such a big part in your guys' relationship I can't!" She says out of pure exuding from her aura. "I'll do my best! Come back in a few weeks I should have it done just text me, here." She says as I hand her my phone to put her number in. 

"Thanks hun, thanks so much I can't wait! I really really appreciate it." "Of course, you don't have to thank me, I should be thanking you for well, everything. Both of you." Crystal says smiling. "Hey guys? Imma hit the bathroom to do some touch ups, k?" "Ok! So can I get a ring for her by any chance? Maybe something like this?" Corbyn says as he hears the door close, he whips out his phone and shows her the picture. To be completely honest, I don't even know what he's getting her.

"Yes! I have that exact one! We made it! Hahaha! Come with me! Jack stay there, no peaking!" "Thanks baby, I love you for doing this!" He says as he comes out with a ring box, it looks hecka expensive. "Dayum son!" 

"Here Crystal, you deserve it for everything you've done and don't be afraid of sliding in our DM's. We owe you and love you to pieces!" He says as he hands her $250 dollars. "Keep it, don't even try to talk me out of it sis." "Omg! Thanks bean-I-don't know what to even say..." "Don't say anything and hug me before I start crying too!" He says as he starts getting choked up with her.

"Alright! Let's do this boys! Thanks Crystal for letting us crash for a few girl!" Christina says as she hugs and Corbyn hides the ring box as I look at him raising a brow. I gave him a look of: 'don't let her see that rock early babe!' he just laughs anxiously in his head as he gives me that same look as he could tell that I knew what he was thinking then. We head out of the store before getting stopped by Christina on Snap.

"Hold up gotta shout her out, of course!" "Oh right I forgot!" Me and Corbyn both say pulling out our phones tweeting and snapping her address and store name: 'Come check out my friend Crystal at "Crystals" who totally hooked (haha) us up!' "And send!" We say in unison laughing at the thought hearing her laugh with us. "See ya babe! We will be back that's for sure!" We say as we leave. "Wait gimmie one last hug before you go!" She says coming out from behind the counter. 

"Group hug! Also, here's a little something for you and the boys!" She says handing us all matching heart rings but it's shattered into 6 pieces signifying that we all have each other's hearts which I thought was really cute it was like a nice titanium too! "Aw stop! You're spoiling us now! We have to go before we get pampered more! Not that I'm complaining! Did I say that? Just disregard that last thing, lol!"

"Crystal, by the way, have I ever mentioned that that is the perfect name for what you do." I say complementing her as I try on the ring. "How do I look ladies? Yes, that includes you bean. You can't hide the gay." I say looking him in the eye. "Jack! Well, I mean I guess you're right!" "Haha I am always right!" My voice dropping to a more serious tone. "Slay that rock, you don't need a man, you put it on your own hand, yes!" Christina says as I flash the ring doing a bit of Beyoncé dances. In my opinion, legends. They are both legends and icons.

"I see you with the Little Mix reference, you are a true legend. I stan." Christina says as I hear her phone ring, I look at Corbyn who took the hint. "Hey boys? I gotta run it's Zach he needs my help. Jack? He's fine he's not hurt don't worry. I know you tend to do that. Babe, please watch him for me." She says as she rubs my shoulder and gives me and Corbyn a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.

"Oh, C keep this a secret or you're dead, haha love you." I say as she gives me a haha in return knowing that it's obviously a joke. I know I can trust her. We drive home back to the house where I get to see my beautiful baby boy finally, it feels like forever.

A/n Hey! It's been over month, I'm so so sorry please forgive me, honestly the last few days have been hell but there's one person who's made it all better...I'll let you interpret it for a sec, ilysm and thanks for reading this crap and Big Plans MV dropping HOURS from now! Look out world #WDWtakeover2019

WC: 2537

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