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I can't believe zach actually broke up with me. I thought he loved me deep down I thought we would be together till death do us part. But he goes off with jack why? It stung like a bee sting in my heart I felt stupid for thinking he cared. I mean am I not good enough for guys? Maybe I jumped to conclusions to soon? Am I not gay? I guess I like girls then? But I was so happy with zach maybe I was blinded by my brain saying I needed someone in my life that was special. I had a plan not a very good one but I had too know. I grabbed my phone with shaking hands and texted Christina hoping that we could talk. I could barely keep my hands still enough to type the words "Can we talk?" I took a deep breath and pushed send. Within seconds I got a reply. "Sure! I'd love to ❤❤" the text had two heart emojis from her.

I almost gagged at the thought. I was sickened by myself but I still had to know. We arranged a time and place and I headed out I felt nauseous the entire way to her house. When I arrived I hit my forehead repeatedly saying I have to do this. I walked to the door and rang the door bell not having the strength to knock on the door myself. She opened the door and smiled. "Hi bean! It's been so long come on in!" She said almost too excited. I felt like I was going to die but I had to go in. When we walked in she sat me on the couch. "Listen Tina I'm only here to find something out ok? So please understand that." I told her sternly. She nodded slowly.

"Thanks C for being the only stable person in my life," I say with a deep sigh. "Of course bud, what's up? You look stressed." She says rubbing my shoulder only to make me cry. I don't even have to say anything she immediately knows and hugs me and whispers sweet nothings in my ear finally making me feel loved and actually appreciated. "It hurts Christina! It really does, I thought he was my forever one! Turns out I was dead wrong!" I say angrily through the tears. "I know just let it out I'm here..." "How could I not see it?!? I'm so stupid!" I say as I pull away from her tight grasp, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration as I do. "Like am I even gay anymore?!?" I say only getting more frustrated at the thought that my heart and my mind betrayed me. I just stand there just thinking looking to Christina's eyes, thinking about him. Next thing I know, I'm crying in her arms. As soon as I realize it isn't Zach it only gets worse. Not because of that but because I thought he loved me, I thought I was gay, I thought I was making him feel loved... I thought I was loved.

I spit it out like water from a faucet. She looked so genuine while I ranted before I could completely finish she pulled me into her and kissed me deeply it felt like I was in heaven.  Fireworks everywhere my heart pumped fast. Her lips tasted like cherries and she had soft smooth lips. Zach's kiss never came as close to her kiss it felt like my stomach in the circus dancing and doing acrobatics. I felt complete. When she broke the kiss she asked. "Well what did you feel?" Instead of words. I used body language I kissed her passionately our lips fit perfect together and danced in harmony. It was magical. I never felt this good with Zach... and maybe this meant I am straight but now I just want to enjoy this. When I "woke up" from my dream state I was transported to, I felt amazing I just felt so much bliss, pure content and happiness.



We both decided that we wanted to spend this time with the boys and me and Corbyn felt more comfortable doing it with the people we love unconditionally, our family, our home away from home, I love these guys so much they're pretty much my brothers.

We reach there house and walk over to the couch and as soon as I turn the corner I see Jack and Zach cuddling in each other's arms. "Aww guys, you 2 make me wish I had love like that!" I say chuckling at the thought, immediately pulling Corbyn into a long kiss. The sparks flew instantly I laugh a little as I pull away hearing "Yus Corbina, slay!" Coming from Jack and Zach, and "Get your mans!" Coming from Jonah and Daniel.

in the dark ─ ❝ jachary x zorbyn ! ❞Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora