chapter 14

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I am doing two unknown points of views in this chapter. They will be listed as unknown 1 and unknown 2.

Unknown 1:

She had shifted and found her mate I am so happy for her & sad I could not be there to prepare her, she had to find out who she really was the hard way. I hope she doesn't hate us for not being there and She understands why we couldn't be there.  I miss her so much She had turned into such a beautiful young woman and who would have thought she would turn out to be the rear wolf. We have to tell her soon, there is no more time.

Unknown POV 2:

She is pregnant, we have to tell her now, there is no more time to waste. She needs protection. I know she has her pack and her mate but she needs her family, we stayed away far to long. We should have taken her back as soon as we were strong enough. We have one week to prepare for the war those Hunter will inflict. We have to tell her tonight. There is no more time to waste.

Both unknown POV:

"What do you mean she is pregnant How did today happen?" ~Unknown 1

"See when two wolves are mated......" ~Unknown 2

"I know how but when you smart ass?." Unknown 1

"You know she went in to heat 2 weeks ago and her and chance were lock in that room." ~Unknown 2

"Oh, that explains it, so when are we leaving to go to her? ~Unknown 1

"I am phoning her mate now." ~Unknown 2

"Ok I will go get ready." ~Unknown 1

"Roll a blunt I need to smoke before we leave, I need to relax some." ~Unknown 2


Short ya I know just need to give you guys a chapter because I kept you waiting to long. Next chapter will be up in a few days promise. Yall know I love my boo cakez.

Who do you think the 2 unknown family members are?

If you get it right I will shout you out in my next chapter.

Remember keep clam and read.

Laterz Boo Cakez

Yes my characters smoke weed if you don't like it don't read it. For those of you who are following and keep reading I love you as much as a fat kid loves cakez.






































& follow.

Til next time love you My lil boo cakez

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