After a couple minutes, they let it go. Since I was still genin, I had a lot of catching up to do. Thank kami I looked up those hand signs and practiced some of them daily back in ol’ reality. I was wind and lightning natured, an odd coincidence considering Kakashi was also wind and lightning natured.

I learned how to do Shadow Clone in ten minutes. With my chakra bracelets, I can make about fifty. Without them, well, they would never amount to Naruto’s, but there are still a lot. I tried to transfer some chakra down to my feet. It’s a lot harder than I thought, but I’ve almost got the hang of it.

Yamato finds me behind some trees away from the main clearing. “What are you doing?” he signed.

“Just practicing. Why? Is something wrong?”


I looked at him. “Okay.” I focused on moving chakra to my feet and started to run up the tree. I got about halfway, made a cut, and fell back down. Out the corner of my eye, I see Naruto and Sakura. The three watch as I make my way up the tree. This time I got up three quarters of the way. I just have to focus.

I closed my eyes and imagined chakra flowing through my body. I felt it well up in my feet. Once I felt like I was ready, I ran up the tree as far as I could go. I reached the furthest branch on the top and walked under it so that I was upside down.

“YES!” I shouted. I looked down at the rest of the team below me. They were clapping. I wish I could hear them.

I walked down the length of the tree, but stopped midway to carve something in it. In English, I wrote: Tobi was here 2013. Happy with my handiwork, I walked the rest of the way.

“You got it faster than Naruto, but still slower than me!” Sakura signed.

“That’s ‘cause you were only good at the little things,” Naruto signed. I laughed. Inner Sakura seemed to have come out and started banging on Naruto’s head.

“Poor Naru-chan,” I told him. I ruffled his hair. “Where’s sensei?” I asked Yamato. He pointed to the clearing. “Thanks.”

“Sensei!” I called out to him.

He turns around. Good job back there.

“Thanks,” I sign. “I was wondering if you could teach me something.”

“Sure. What is it?” he signed.


He paused. He started to cover his mouth, a gesture to show he was laughing. “Chidori?”

“Yes. Then, I’m going to ask Naruto to teach me rasengan.”

He stared at me seriously. “Okay. How do you even know about these?”

“Are you going to teach me or what?”

Kakashi shrugged. He started telling me to focus chakra in my hand. Just lightning chakra. It took a while, but it seems that mentally producing a picture of separating chakra really helps. We practiced for about thirty or forty minutes before we saw a spark of lightning emit from my hand.

“Did you see that?” I shouted excitedly.

Yeah, good job.

After fifteen more minutes of focusing chakra into my hand, Team 7 left the training grounds. We made our way to the ramen stand. As usual, Naruto ordered ten bowls, and Kakashi ate his ramen really fast. I remembered that one filler episode where they tried to see his face. Haha, suckers, I got to see it!

I laughed, but so did Kakashi. No one said anything funny out loud. They were all stuck on Naruto finishing his ninth bowl.

So you can read my mind, you liar.

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