Chapter Two

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It was Adrian. Her best friend. Before the heartbreak took over her they were the doppelganger of each other. The gossiping whispers around the halls of Holland Park thought there was more to their friendship. And it was something she was about to believe herself. Now there was Will. And she was content with him.

"I know." That annoying breath was mostly what came out of her, words almost silent.

"Why? We all miss you. Elina, god knows, the poor girl couldn't talk for weeks, you know she doesn't have many friends. And as much as I can't stand Lola, Georgie and Celia, well, every day for about two months they asked how you were. Me, not a single call Gracelynn."

"I know" She caught a short gap in his speech to redeem herself, ashamed staring at the ground.

"Why is that all you're saying to me? I was there too. I could have helped you Lili. Why won't you let me help you?"

"I don't need help."

"Really, the bandage on your arm says otherwise."

"The vase broke as I was changing the flowers." She had become a good liar. It had proven to be a useful defence mechanism. Acting had always been something she was good at. She had won "the most promising theatrical performer" award at school for the last three years.

"Right. Maybe next time I could help you stop that precious vase from breaking, how about that?" She couldn't hide the fact she missed him in her life. Maybe this was the moment she was waiting for, to take the leap back to being friends again. Right now was not the moment however. She needed to make her way to the safety of Will's house to be finally rid of Diana and her controlling nature.

"I'm busy right now" Her eyes skimmed the floor.

"Oh, right. I get it." His powerful hands slid up to rest on his hips, eyes began to wonder and seeped frustration and betrayal.

"No. No, I will call you." She took her uninjured arm and gently placed it upon Adrian's warm abs. God, he was strong, she thought. This flicked a small smile upon her face. One of the first in the last seven months or so. "It's just been really, really hard for me to cope after it."

"Lili, I was there too. If there's anyone you could have confided in, wouldn't it be me? You don't even need to tell me anything. Just for you to be comfortable with someone," He took her bandaged arm. It hurt, that was for sure, she could have easily flinched away but there was something sobering, numbing about his touch. Reaching midway he leant down to kiss the back of her hand. A flushing that was not common to Gracelynn in recent months blossomed onto her cheeks. She liked how he called her Lili. Everyone else called her 'Gracie' which created a churning feeling in her stomach. 'Patronising' sprung to her mind. Lili was his own call and it was nice to be called it once more. "So what are you doing here?"

"Diana." She blurted starkly while heading for a nearby bench.

"You're going to sleep rough?" he said disapprovingly squashing his brow into his now awakened eyes.

"God no. Will, I'm going to call him." It then struck her: he had no clue who Will was.

"He your cousin?" The pair sat down. She knew he knew the real relationship with Will.

"No." She gave a sweetly smile. "A bit more than that I'm afraid." She dug into her thrown together handbag, scavenging about for a packet of cigarettes. Relieved to find a full packet she whipped one into the crack of her lips and ignited the end with a spark of a lighter. The warming, sweet taste encased her lungs and dispersed the stress that attacked her that morning.

"So you started smoking, I see." Gracelynn forgot how he had been absent for the last while.

"Yeah, I guess I did." Slipping the stick out of her mouth she said, pouring smoke out of her lips. Her eyes fluttered not sure about his reaction to her.

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