Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

I followed Tyler through one of the metal walled alleys. They had beveled the metal to make it look like bricks, I ran my hand along the smooth wall and sighed softly. My thoughts began to turn to the life I had, never staying in one place more than a day or two, always looking over my shoulder, and living in constant shadow. But at least I was free. I clenched my fists, this was truly pathetic.

"Stay here. And stay hidden. I'm going to look around." Tyler whispers as we stop near one of the tall skyscrapers that nearly touched the top of the metal dome.

I nodded once, I hadn't seen this part of the compond yet, I was happy just to look around for a little bit.

I leaned on the cold wall and waited for his return. No one was on the streets, though I can see why. This place is as creepy as it is menacing. The air itself was dark and depressing; in some places the metal had begun to rust, but that was the only hint of color. The harsh white light coming from the streetlights hurt my eyes when I looked towards it. The outline of the metal skyscrapers was barley visible in the dimness.

A second later I heard angry shouting down the street. Out of the clamoring voices one grabbed my attention. Cole's. I could see him in my head, arms crossed and smirking that smirk that made me want to punch his lights out. Someone really needs to teach him a lesson. A younger boys voice yelled out. I knew that caused that scream, its pain. Cole and his stupid Metal Jackets were hurting some kid. I could help! But wait... Tyler had told me to stay here. Forget Tyler, he's not the boss of me. Heck, no one is the boss of me.

Without looking back I ran through the empty streets, my breathing and my heart were the only things I heard besides the yelling and dull clang of my feet hitting the metal floor. Once I stumbled in the darkness over a metal pannel that had become warped and shifted out of place, I cut my knee on the upturned piece of steel or whatever this was. "What the heck Julie?" I whispered softly to myself, putting my hand over the gash.

I was close, the garbled yelling had turned to distinct shouting. Well at least I could tell what was going on now...

Cole and two other boys who looked to be a year or two younger than him had a small boy of maybe... fourteen? backed into a corner. The younger two were closing in with twisted grins on their faces as Cole was standing, as I had pictured with his arms crossed and that smirk on his face.

"Now, tell me the Beta's latest advancement." Cole said, looking at his nails.

The kid scoffed and crossed his arms, "Why would I tell you?"

"Now, now, I think you need to tell Cole here exactly what your friends are up too." Ugly number one said harshly, flicking his red hair to the side.

"Nah...I'm good." The kid grinned and began to walk between the two with feigned confidence.

"Grab him." Cole ordered sharply, anger starting to cloud his eyes.

The red head and the other boy roughly grabbed the boy's arms and shoved him into the wall. They lifted him a few inches, so his feet we're dangling off the ground. Cole advanced forward, standing right in front of the boy.

I crept forward silently, making sure to stay in the shadows. A plan... a plan... I need a plan... Scanning the area, I grinned. This was going to be fun.

I crawled forward, until I was right at the feet of the red head boy. Quickly tying his shoes together, I turned to stood behind Cole.

"Tell us Peter... or I'll end up doing something I'll say I regret." Cole chuckled darkly to himself as he studied the boy, apparently named Peter.

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