Adding The Powers

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Chapter One

(Kyra-Anne’s Point of View)

I sat on my bed, knife in hand. This ball of fire in front of me was what I felt inside. I pricked my wrist with the knife and the ball diminished. I took a full on slice and the ball disappeared. After a second it came back. I wrapped the knife in its cotton sheath I snapped my fingers and the ball disappeared. I sighed and walked out the door. I picked up my phone and dialed Joel’s number. Someone picked up on the other end.

“Hello? Kyra?”

“Hi Mrs. E. Can I talk to Joel? It’s important.”

“Oh, honey. I don’t know where he is. He left his phone here and I don’t have any clue where he would have gone.”

“I think I do. I’ll call you if I find him.”

            He always did this. Ran off to our place in the woods and got lost. Only I knew the way properly. I grabbed my keys off the counter and headed out to my car. Starting it up was hard; the old thing was rusty and built like a tractor. I turned on my Tori Amos CD, a gift from my brother Ryan, and started the short drive to the woods. On my way I noticed something odd. There were sirens in the air. I turned onto the road that led to the clearing and saw an ambulance on the road, with people standing around it. I saw a car. It was Joel’s car. It was crushed into a tree by another car.

            I turned off my engine and sprinted out of the car. I knew what had happened. I couldn’t bring myself to face it. There were police around the cars. A businessman was standing by the tree, shaking slightly. I tapped one of the police officers on the shoulder.

“What happened here?” I yelled over a siren.

“There was a crash.” He yelled back.

“Listen, that’s my boyfriend’s car in that tree! Is he ok?”

The officer looked at me and put his hand up to his ear. The siren of the ambulance decided to screech louder just as I finished my sentence. “Who was in there?”

“My boyfriend! Is he okay?” I screamed louder over the siren.

“Miss, I’m sorry, but he’s not. He’s in the ambulance.” He nodded towards the ambulance whose siren finally dimmed down.

I nodded and walked away quickly, tears forming in my eyes. I flipped up my phone and called Joel’s house number.


“Mrs. E? I found him. He was in… He was in a crash!”

I could barely get the words out.

I couldn’t see her but I could hear Mrs. E holding back her tears. “Where dear?” she almost whispered.

“By the woods. On the road off mine.”

“I’ll be right there.” The line went dead.

As I hung up the phone I stepped into the view of the ambulance. I could see his form, lying on a bed in the back of it. People surrounded him, shock paddles in hand. I stepped up to one of them.

“Excuse me, could I see him. He’s my boyfriend.”


I stepped into the vestibule and took his hand. His eyes weakly opened. How could this be happening? It had to be a dream. I knew it wasn’t. I bent down and kissed his cheek.

“Don’t ever run off again.”

He smiled and weakly kissed me back. An EMT touched my shoulder.

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