Ch. 7.5-Griding with Silica

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Just a mini short chapter for my SAO book until I post Chapter 8.



"What in the actual fuck is going on right now?" I asked myself. Currently, I'm in the fields walking around until I see some monsters dancing around I think. I grabbed my shurikens and killed them. What I did not know was that were was more, "Oh no." I said. I quickly grabbed my sword just in case. They all saw what I did to them, so they just ran at me. I killed them easily as I spun in a circle and killed another one. Five of them ran at me at once, so I activated a special sword skill that I have been working on. My sword began to glow blue, and some lightning was beginning to appear. "AAHHH!!" I let out my war cry and stabbed my sword into the ground, causing lighting to struck the monsters killing them all. "Huh, I think I got it now, and I got some XP too." I sheathe my sword and move on with my life. "Been two years huh..." I muttered. Can't believe how it all began, just over a game. On my way there, I noticed a certain smol child that I'm familiar with. "P/N!" I see Silica run at me with Pina flying with her. "Hey Silica what's up?" We hugged each other and let go after. "How have you been?" She asked me. "Pretty good, got a new sword," I said. "Oh really? That's cool, I have gotten more levels after you left." She said.

"Wow, quite the level?" I said. "Want to do a quest or something? We go to dungeons to if we want." She said. "Sure, could use the col and items, as well as the XP," I said. I equipped the things I need and leave.

Le Timeskip

"Are you sure we are at the right spot?" I asked Silica. I think we got lost, we were trying to look for our way out from the quest. "I-I think so?" She said. "Great," I muttered. I pulled up my map to see if that will even help at all. "Not even my map is working, ugh," I said. I turned my enhanced vision to see if I can find a way out. "See anything?" She asked. "Nope, guess we can chill here for the night." I turned on a fire and took off my sword from my back. "Can I see your new sword?" She said, breaking the silence. "Sure," I equipped my other sword and showed it to her. "Woah! Did someone made that?" She asked. "Yep, I helped with the materials, it's a great sword, just like mah Elucidator," I said. "Why did you need that other sword for?" She asked. "Well, that's kind of a secret," I said. "Can you show me, please?" She begged. I knew I couldn't say no to dat cute face. "Alright, when we see a mob to use it again, I'll show you," I said. "Ok," She got in her sleeping bag as Pina slept next to her. "Goodnight, P/N." She said, before falling asleep. I smiled softly as I put my sword on my back and put my other one on my back. I decided to keep watch, just in case. Lately, I feel like someone is stalking me in a way, and it scares the living shit out of me. Oh boy.

Le Timeskip

I yawned after my little nap I took before Silica woke up. "Morning P/N." She said as she stretched and rubbed her eyes. "Mornin," I replied. "Good news, I figured out where the exit was," I said. "Really?" She asked. "Yep, turns out we're not that far," I said as we got up. I put our sleeping bags away in my inventory and left the cave for some dungeon hunting. "There's a dungeon not that far from here, only a 5-minute walk." She said. "Ok," I opened my menu and gave her a sandwich to eat. I grabbed one for myself and began to eat. "Wow, did you make these?" She asked. "No, Asuna made them for me," I said. "Wow, tell her these are amazing." She said as she took another bite. "Ok," I finished my sandwich and burped. Silica giggled, "Excuse you?" She said. "Heh, my bad," I said. Silica finished hers and we both went to the dungeon.

Le Timeskip

"Silica behind you!" Silica turned around and stabbed the mob. I blocked two attacks and killed them both. "Too easy," I said, swinging my sword. "Yep, not too bad." She said. We both got a decent amount of XP and items after an hour of grinding. We both felt the ground shake and stood upon was a mini-boss, a gigantic bull. "We bull riding now?" I said. "Silica, leave this to me," I said as she nodded. I grabbed my sword and stood there while I waited for the bull to attack. "Time to end this," My eyes began to glow blue as did my sword. I slowly breathe in and out, before grabbing my other sword. The bull charged at me as I blocked it, but was pushed back. I struggled but still maintained my ground. I pushed it back and charged at it, "AHHHHH!!" I blocked its horn with one sword and attacked with the other one. I swung my sword horizontally from left to right with my right sword, immediately followed by an uppercut with the left sword. I then jump up and slash the bull with both swords from left to right while spinning, twice. I then land facing the bull and slash an X from top to bottom, before inversely slashing the X again from bottom to top. I then leap at the bull and makes two diagonal slashes from the same starting point, with the left sword heading from top to bottom to the left, while the right sword heads from bottom to top toward the right. Afterward, I reverse my grip on my two swords and slashes another X with both swords from top to bottom. I then do a barrel-roll like maneuver while slashing at the target, like a corkscrew. I then slash another two X's at the bull, first from top to bottom and then bottom to top. I then make a diagonal slash with the right sword, top-right to bottom-left, then spin left and use this momentum to deal a horizontal, right to left slash with my left sword. I then, at a very high speed, make an uppercut with the right sword; then another with the left sword, a downward slash with my right sword, then a downward diagonal slash towards the right with my left sword, spin and repeat the previous attack, and thrust my right-handed sword out. I then charge Stormguard with electricity, "Lightning Strike," I then lunge my sword into the bull, the lightning was powerful and killed the bull in one shot. "Eliminated." I got most of the XP and Silica got some. I turn around to see Silica staring in awe at my sword skill. "W-w-what skill is that?" She stuttered. "Duel-wielding," I said, sheathing both of my swords. "I got a bonus attribute with my new sword, lighting. I then fused it with my sword skill and named it, Thunder Stream." I said. "I've never seen anything like it..." She said. "Only you and Liz know about this, please to tell anyone about this. Please keep it a secret." I said to her. "I will I promise." She got up and walked towards me. "Can you close your eyes for a sec?" She asked. "Ok?" I closed my eyes and felt something soft on my cheek. Silica kissed my cheek, "That was for last time and today." She said, blushing. "Heh, thanks." We both left the dungeon with a few levels acquired. "I got to back on the front lines again," I said. "Really?" She said. "Yeah, got to clear some mobs at Floor 74 I believe," I said. "Oh ok," She gave me a tight hug and kissed my cheek again. "See ya around then!" She yelled as she ran off with Pina. I smiled and headed to Floor 74.

Das a wrap! I do hope you enjoy this short, Chapter 8 is abooout halfway done. Comment and vote if you would like. OC Picture voting in OC book, if you would like to stop by. That's all for now. Love you all.


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