♤ zippity zap ♤

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We had a day off school today, as it's Veterans Day, but you can't really tell because I've had quite a bit of homework soo I haven't been on wp kind of at all :<


Saturday was our last marching band competition!
it was super fun
instead of prelims all the bands marched in parade for Veterans Day, then only performed our shows once, but it was ok because we got to play pep songs for the parade (we played September and Crazy Train)

then we did a full retreat!! this is where all the bands line up on the field and pretty much make huge rows of color

kinda seems like it's just for fun tbh :)

anyway lining up to prepare to go on field for full retreat, our entire band was in a single file line alongside like five other bands, and the other band kids talked to us aaaaa it was so fun!!

at one point I looked over at my friend and saw her making faces and waving, then looked across two entire bands to find some random guy mirroring her

band kids y'all

(I wrote all that Monday)

Thought I'd have time to finish the last two inktobers

i thought wrong :I

Anyway my actual reason for posting this chapter? Yes I have art!!

don't put forks in outlets

don't put forks in outlets

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(with noir effect)

I was going to draw a hand with wicked crackles around it but I this was more fun :3
i got to look up cat skeleton anatomy

lol even with that
chicken's anatomy is questionable at times

second to last day of Inktober complete!! who knows when I'll start/finish the 31st

also you guys our first concert with a guest conductor was last night
i had the hiccups for the entirety of the first song


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