Unit Review : Anna

45 4 7

I've always loved Anna's commentary. 

"You get a discount!"

Well here, I achieved an S support with her. And for those who haven't, here's what I think. Ayee if you have, comment below your experience or differences. I'd love to hear that.

"Keep this up and maybe someday I'll love you more than money!"

MU Grandmaster lvl 20 + Anna S Support

Str 20 +1

Mag 27 +6

Skill 23 +6

Spd 31 +8

Lck 22 +3

Def 23 +1

Res 20+1

Anna - Trickster lvl 20 + MU S Support

Str 19 +6

Mag 28 +6

Skill 37 +7

Spd 34 +7

Lck 40 +2

Def 15 +2

Res 17 +2

After looking over that, I've decided Anna is a fine support for skill, magic, and speed.

But here are my opinions of tricksters and Anna. 

And I won't be recording for Morgan bc I got her kinda early so she wasn't in prime condition (y'know what I mean.)

I'm not a fan of the Trickster class. Of course, Lock Touch is handy to have (IF the trickster can handle them self.)

My problem is that they excel in skill, speed, and luck so their defense and resistance just sucks. In other words, if they fail to avoid the attack then uh bye bye. -

No I'm kidding (sorta). These stats can be raised with some yummy steroids.

Also she has high magic enough though she can't use a darn tome. What's with that?! Goddamnit tricksters. Well, a great weapon for her would be like the Levin Sword but those are sparse.

Another problem I have with Anna as a unit is that she comes in her master seal class so you don't get to raise her from scratch. I prefer to raise my units in their first class up to lvl 18-20 before using the master seal.

Overall for the support though, I think it works out fine. Not ideal in my opinion. 

Also I feel like when marrying Anna we should get more discounts. Ehem.

My Fire Emblem StuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora