Top Characters and Why

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I'll be overviewing my favorite characters for the 3ds games I have played here. remember these guys are just my preferences, 

「note」This entry was written last year... I've updated a bit of it but it's mostly all the same, bias-wise. I didn't include Three Houses because I'll have separate entries for that.

(**heads up** I didn't include stats for two units because I didn't take notes for them.)

Echoes : Kliff

I think I've made it clear by now that Kliff is my favorite Echoes character

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I think I've made it clear by now that Kliff is my favorite Echoes character. Actually I had originally bought the game because Alm caught my attention but oh god was I surprised when Kliff turned about because he's... soo my type. You have been previously warned of bias.

For one, his personality is just on point. It's sassy and smug. I kinda have a thing with characters who think highly of themselves. I found it amusing how he had changed so much from when he was younger. From this timid, small child to this idontgiveashit teenager lol. But really his personality makes him so lovable.

"I'll pretend I didn't see that."

As for combat, he's one hell of a unit. At first he's the weakest with a sword (along with faye) as a simple villager but when I made him into a mage the boy went . MAD. I have quite the favoritism towards mages already but I really can't describe how many times Kliff has saved my teams ass. Especially from the armored units. 

The Deliverance would be crumbs without him.

Awakening : Ricken

Ricken is my strongest, more reliable unit in Awakening as either Sage or Dark Knight

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Ricken is my strongest, more reliable unit in Awakening as either Sage or Dark Knight. For me, it depends on how I plan to raise my MU bc sometimes I wanna have her focus on just magic or some strength (cuz I always S support him). I really wouldn't be able to get around without him. Y'know that one unit you can always count on to finish the boss from full HP to 0? That's Ricken for me. Literally every restart I end up giving him so much of my trust that he ends up in lead stats, making everyone else look like a side dish (I'm so sorry Chrom).

Also having S support with him as MU, the benefits are mutual and amazing, considering my MU is always magic based. Together they make a legendary couple, Grima is sHAKING IN HIS BOOTS. 

Don't look down on me! 

Here are stats I've recorded for a game at some point in time. They are UNEDITED.

Ricken, Level 20, Sage

Str 9 | Mag 33 | Skill 24 | Spd 33 | Lck 30 | Def 25 | Res 10

Ricken, Level 20, Dark Knight

Str 18 | Mag 32 | Skill 29 | Spd 22 | Lck 31 | Def 33 | Res 14

I am very attached to my Ricken boy... Also I think he's adorable tho idk if that's an unpopular opinion???

Fates : Sakura

First Fates game I chose was Birthrights

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First Fates game I chose was Birthrights. Not because Nintendo said so. But because the moment I saw Sakura in the cutscenes, I was like. THATS MY WIFE—

Birthrights isn't my favorite Fates story, I play Conquest a lot more (And in truth I don't play Fates all that often but you didn't hear that from me). But it literally KILLS to choose Nohr over Hoshido because of Sakura, her reaction is just so heartbreaking. The poor fragile girl— She literally looks like she's gonna break out into never-ending tears any moment. I feel SO MUCH PITY for her! But it's not the pity, the reason why I love her, it's mostly because she's adorable lol-- But also, she may appear frail and all that but really, in Conquest, she faces you head on bravely. Despite her timidness, she's a powerful spirited girl!

Alright, what I suggest is to make her into an Onmyoji. For one, she became the strongest unit on my team(no evidence that it might just be favoritism causing that tho but listen). Personally I dont have any faith Hayato or Orocchi(yes I actually tried with both of them, poor Hayato can't hold up), so she makes up for the lack of magic AND STAVES... And that's why she is a heavily relied on unit on my team. Personally I prefer her MUCH more as an onmyoji than a priestess. Try it.

Yes I did end up marrying her on my first fates game... On A support you learn from her why she has become so timid personality-wise. If you haven't gotten to it, it's because when she was younger, she overheard that the Nohrians were originally planning to kidnap her, not MU. Oh, and you also learn how it is okay to marry your "sister." 

I promise we're not blood related at all!




And so, those are my favorites and why I prefer them. It wasn't easy making such decisions for we all just love our specific units so dearly. If you read through that whole thing, thank you for listening my god you have stamina. 

What are your opinions on these characters?

If you disagree with any of my bias feel free to SHUT me down. But istg itll get heated if you attack ricken.

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