1 - Assigned to Konoha

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          The two Sand kunoichi walked East towards Konoha. With rich soil below their feet and lush forest bordering the road, the dry air and barren landscape of home felt far away. Shizuka remained excited to travel while Temari was less than thrilled about having to work with new people.

          "I really can't stand these leaf village nin. They're just so soft," she mocked.

          Shizuka retorted, "Are they really so bad or are you just austere as hell?"

          "Austere? What the fuck are you saying?"

          "I guess I'm saying give them a chance. Just because your dad was an asshole doesn't mean you have to be."

          Temari glowered at Shizuka. "Are you a ninja or a therapist? You'll fit right in with these wimps."

          "What about that wimp, Naruto? Didn't he beat Gaara? I'm supposed to end up working with him."

          "Tch, he didn't beat Gaara, he talked him out of his emo phase." Temari rolled her eyes and walked ahead of her comrade.

          Shizuka called ahead, "That still counts for something, right?"

          Temari shrugged. "Remember those nice things when you're at the end of a day working with him and you want to smash his big yellow head in. I had to be around him for maybe thirty minutes during the Chunin exams. Damn is he loud and will not shut up."

          "Sounds entertaining as long as it doesn't fuck up a mission, ha!"

          "Laugh all you want now, we're almost there."

          "Finally, three days with you, phew!" Shizuka wiped pretend sweat off her brow with a flourish.

          "Hey, we could have made it two, but you're on 'vacation'. Tch, ninja vacation, Gaara has gone as soft as these Leaf ninja."

          The trees began to thin and the village gates peaked over the hilly road.

         "Bahaha!" Shizuka busted out laughing.

          "What now?" Temari asked, rolling her eyes again.

          "Look at the gates! It's just like you said, softies!"

          The Konoha village gates stood fully open. At least thirty feet tall and fifty feet wide, they towered above the two sand kunoichi. Painted on the leftmost door was a massive Hiragana 'a'. And the rightmost door 'n' respectively.

          "Their entrance literally says, 'Retreat!'. That is some funny shit. If Suna had words on the door they'd say, 'Back the fuck up'."

          "It's kind of sweet, sanctuary, ya know."

          "True enough, but who's the softy now?" Shizuka stuck her tongue out at Temari and jogged up to the Konoha gates before she could spit out a comeback.

          A brown haired Leaf ninja with a clipboard stood near a small booth just inside the left of the gate. Instead of a standard headband his hitai-ate was affixed to a durag with a tuft of hair sticking out covering his right eye.

          Seems effective, Shizuka thought to herself. But, diplomacy, so be professional, she hyped herself up as she approached the Leaf ninja. After a quick bow she addressed him as professionally as she could muster.

          "Good morning! Shizuka and Temari of Sunagakure reporting on orders of the Kazekage and Hokage." Shizuka fell at ease and awaited a response tense with mock professionalism.

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