4 - Sip Tea, Race On

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          Anxiety woke Shizuka up with the Sun. Today she was finally meeting Team Seven, and she had a hefty secret to hide given yesterday's events. 

          But first, a bath. That should clear my head and make it easier to act normal. I only have to meet him to take over the genin for this mission. It should be easy to stay unsuspecting for one debriefing. The rest is a problem for future me.

          With that thought, Shizuka threw on a pair of shorts, grabbed her toiletry basket, and set out for the bath house. She was confident that she wouldn't run into the chronically tardy jounin this early.

          However, Kakashi had a similar plan for the morning. He was too lazy to explain the mission to his genin yesterday, so he was meeting them early to notify them. The side benefit is not running into my new neighbor. Travel gear in hand, he peered through his peephole. Seems I'm safe today. Kakashi took a deep breath and stepped outside. He turned his back to the quiet sunrise to lock his door. I can't let anyone steal my book collection while I'm away, he thought sarcastically.

          Just as he pulled his key out of the lock, the neighbor's door flew open. Out popped a tall blonde woman with terracotta skin. Not a local, he thought to himself. She appeared to have just rolled out of bed. Her cropped hair chose chaos, and she chose loose-fitting clothing and sandals for her trip to the bath house. Kakashi thought back to last night, Yeah, we could both use a bath. Pulling his focus back to the day, Kakashi simply raised his hand in a still wave and greeted the woman in hopes of breaking the tension. "Busy day, huh?"

          She rubbed the back of her neck. "Um, yeah. I just moved in, so plenty to attend to today." Shizuka narrowed her eyes at him slightly. "You're seizing the day early." Her awkward smile settled into a flat line. She seemed surprised and a little annoyed to see him so early.

          Kakashi straight out lied, "Oh yeah, I try to be diligent. Can't keep my comrades waiting, ya know?" His eyes wrinkled with a small smile, and Kakashi headed towards the stairs coming off the balcony between his apartment, 302, and 303.

          His attention was drawn back to her when she scoffed. "See ya soon, Mister ASAP." 

          Cornered by her end of the row apartment, Shizuka decided to hop off the balcony to the next building. It is too early to navigate that situation. I gotta clear my head. Future Shizuka's problems were starting to get closer to becoming present Shizuka's problems.

          Kakashi made his way to the office of the Leaf Gazette pondering yesterday with 'Shion'  and his brief morning interaction with his new neighbor. Now there are two confusing kunoichi clouding my thoughts and making me get up early. Do I sleep late next time to avoid her or should I get to know her? He sighed. For now, investigating woman one.

          With no luck finding a 'Shion' or even an employee matching her description at either of the village's newspapers, Kakashi headed to the training grounds to meet up with his students. This will be their first mission without me. It's obviously going to go off the rails.

          He approached the students who were not waiting particularly patiently. Naruto just laid on the ground while Sakura crouched nearby doodling in the ground with a stick. Sasuke sat further off under a tree scowling at his late sensei.

          Sakura looked up, "Kakashi-sensei! Why did you tell us seven? It's past eight now."

          Naruto groaned in exhaustion, "Yeah, I could have gotten more rest."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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