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Victoria P.O.V.

I woke up and it felt different this wasn't my room and it most definitely wasn't my house.

I got out of the bed and remembered what happen last night this was Kings house .I  was so glad that he saved me last night or my precious jewel would've been stolen and before y'all say something yes I am a virgin.

I went to the bathroom and found an extra toothbrush and just tied my hair up.

I went downstairs and saw King and two other dudes they was discussing something but once I came down they all stopped I wondered what that was all about.

I said sorry um was I interrupting something.

King said naw ma you straight we was just finishing up but let me introduce you this is Tj and Montel.

They were cute but they weren't better than King he was the definition of fine but I couldn't think about that right now.

King said guys this is candy I said no its Victoria I don't know why I told them my real name but it felt like I could trust them so I did.

They said Was sup and told king they were heading out.

The guys left and king said ma you hungry I said um sure but I probably should be getting home I don't won't to impose he said naw you good.

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