two o'clock

480 26 9

author: agtntae__


"taehyung, call me at 2:00am, tomorrow morning."

those were yoongi's last words when his relationship with taehyung went to an end and they broke up.

taehyung thought, 'why do i have to call him at 2:00am?'. when they were no longer a thing?

was he gonna mumble nonsense and beg for them to come back? or he was gonna ask how taehyung's life was after he left it? while smoking cigarettes? maybe something like that.

taehyung didn't know, but anyways, taehyung himself decided not to let yoongi's words bother him anymore.

however, somehow, he couldn't go to sleep. instead, he waited until 2:00am just to pick his phone up and make a phone call to the man whose name is 'min yoongi', at the eighth night after their break-up. taehyung realized he didn't delete his number yet.

fine, let's do this, make the last phone call and then delete it.

his name in taehyung's directory was, is and will foverer be 'min yoongi', no matter what their relationship was. because his name is beautiful, he don't want to replace it with any of those silly nicknames.

in the last 7 days, yoongi didn't call him, no contacts or meetings. and at 12:00pm last night, he sent him a text.

"please, taehyung, do my wish, my last wish."

it wasn't a threat he used to send to all those who tried flirting with taehyung (in an excessive way) when he was still his, but it was a modivation (or maybe something else had pushed him?) for taehyung to stay up until this moment just to make a phone call to yoongi.

"taehyung, it's me."

he picked up. taehyung heard that familar deep husky voice on the other side of the line which he used to hear every night they had an arguement. it was what taehyung used to call "my only whiskey bottle".

hey, did he just drink alcohol?

and hey, was it true that taehyung still loved him?

"yes, yoon-gi."

after his strong heartbeats got to its normal pace again, taehyung could finally have the guts to slip those three words out of his lips. they weren't "i miss you" or "i love you" like several of couples would say if they made a phone call to each other eight days after their break-up. those three simple words just to let yoongi know he was still on the phone.

"finally, you did my wish."

although it wasn't completely like how he meant to be in the first place. taehyung called him after all, that was enough to make him happy.

if only taehyung knew, hearing him saying his name like that, yoongi was no longer able to control the speed of his heartbeats and it led him to wonder if he was still its owner or not.

"uhm... is there something you wanna tell me? i mean you told me to call you at 2 o'cloc-"

"taehyung, do you still love me?"

ah. of course he wouldn't beg for him to come back or something like that, he wouldn't run around the bush. yoongi was just not that kind of person. he was gonna ask what he had been thinking about. taehyung must have known it earlier.

"i do, yoongi."

taehyung said it without hesitation.

nothing can stop him loving yoongi.

and those were the words he had always wanted to say, from deep inside his heart.

"i'm sorry, yoongi. for leaving you the other day. cause i thought i no longer had feelings for you. but turns out... i had fallen in love with you so deep that even i myself couldn't understand why i loved you that bad."

taehyung knew, it was time for him to say these words out loud.

"cause i am me. taehyung, you love me. and i love you, because i want to, and because you are taehyung."

yoongi didn't seem embarassed at all after saying these words which might sound a bit too self-confident about how taehyung loved him and how he would be without him. but it was true, at least for now, so if he said it now he wasn't wrong.

that was the reason why yoongi always had taehyung's heart his. not just theoretically but spiritually.

maybe, to him, yoongi was so special.

"taehyung, i know why you wanted to break up and that's the reason why i told you to call me at two o'clock."

taehyung felt like crying already.

"because when we make love, two o'clock is always when you are the most honest to yourself."

taehyung's heartbeats went to a faster pace when he heard yoongi's words, again.

yoongi, that was the reason why you were the only one who could understand me.

and last words, taehyung cried due to embarassment. not happiness or sadness. (but he guessed he fell for him, all over again).

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