"We'll you are a Sanchez" he said with a smirk

"What is with that Sanchez thing" I said while putting my hands on my hips

"We'll I guess we have to keep this a secret right" he said I laughed

"Why is that" then I slowly pulled out my gun but I head it behind my back

"Because I can kill you in a snap" he said with a grin

"I heard that so many times" I said with a smirk

"Really" he said while walking up to me

"Yea" then I felt an awful sting on my right shoulder

"Agh" I hissed then another sting on my left leg

"Not as a big kid as I thought" he laughed then I quickly shot him on the left leg 3 times

"Agh" he shouted then he fell on the floor but he quickly called someone on his phone

My body was too weak to move or anything I started to see black dots and they started to cover my eyes then I fell on the floor.

"MARIA" then I closed my eyes

'Beep' 'Beep'

I opened my eyes then they flutter shut when I saw the bright lights

"Agh" I grunted I moved my shoulder then I felt a sting

"Maria" a voice said I opened my eyes and see Adam with red eyes holding my hands tight

"Water" my voice cracked while pointing to the water , he quickly got up and places the cup on my lips then I felt the cold water going down my throat.

"What happen" I said while looking at Adam

"I thought I lost you for good" he said while giving me a hug

"We'll you didn't" I said while putting my head on his neck

"We'll you were out for a month" he said while touching my face

" A month" I said while looking at him


"I could of been training" I said while laying back down

"We'll when your out I can train you" he said with a smirk

"Oh really" then I felt his lips on mine the kiss was with passion we pulled away when we heard the door knob opening

Then I look up and see my mom and dad with wide eyes

"Maria" then they come running to me and attacking me with big hugs

"I thought we lost you" they said in allusion

"You didn't" I said with a smile

"I'm proud of you" my dad said while giving me a kiss on the forehead

"Why?" I said while furrowing my eyebrows

"We'll when you found out roger was in Mario gang and when he shot you you still was brave not to back down and when you shot him back I felt proud" then a tear came out of his eyes I slowly pulled my hand and wiped it away

"Thanks dad" then I gave him a hug

Then came in Paola with Jose holding hands and Paola had red eyes when she saw me awake her eyes were wide

"BEST FRIEND" she shouted while running to me and jumping on my bed and attacking me with a hug

"Paola" then I grunted of the pain

"Sorry" then a tear came out of her eyes

"Stop" I said while smiling and pulling her back into a hug

"How I almost lost you" she said while smiling

"We'll you didn't and I see you went back to blonde" I said while touching her hair

"Yea you like" I then quickly nodded

"Whats up fighter" Jose said while giving me a hug

"Not much just woke up and you" I said with a smirk

"Me to" he said while laughing

"Dad what happen to roger" I said while looking at him

"Tell Adam" he said while pointing to him

I look to Adam and see him pointing to the ground

"Oh" then I went back to taking to them


A/N- I'm so sorry I haven't update it's because I didn't have time because on Saturday I went to a party and then on Sunday I went to another party and on Monday I went shopping for school cause I start on the 18th so yea and next chapter gonna be long


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