Chapter 38

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Author's Note: hope you enjoyed the last chapter! uploads will be inconsistent because it be like that sometimes. i hope you enjoy!

"I never knew you could sing, Hairspray." Alana praised as the two of them sat at the edge of the cliffside, a checkered tablecloth spread up beneath their bodies, the night illuminated by the lights of dozens of Phosophoros, coating the cavern in a soft silver light. A picnic basket lay beside Leo's hand, crumbs and pictures of the Surface littering their surroundings, two glasses holding the remnants of the juice Leo had brought along. Alana couldn't help but smile when she looked over to Leo, his cheeks tinted a light red out of modesty at her statement, his eyes twinkling with gratitude, the azure blue looking exactly the deep blue ocean, shimmering under the sphere of light he called the Moon. The both of them had decided to plan a date together, Alana would plan the first half, and he would plan the second, and while Alana's half was filled with jazz-like music, dancing and fancy food in small portions, Leo's half was when dinner actually started, in a more quiet atmosphere and candlelight, the slugs playing in the distance as Leo finally decided to show her pictures of the Surface, some he took himself, some he got from the internet or from friends.

"I'm honestly not all that great. I can hold a note, but that's about it." Leo modestly reiterated, recycling the same phrase again and again as he looked out into the shallow ocean below the two of them, the waters much more violent and turquoise, splashing against the cliffside.

"You call that just holding a note? Eli can hold a note. That performance was so good we got a free dinner!" Alana exclaimed, and Leo's eye's quickly widened as he leaned forward, nearly spitting out his drink. He looked over at Alana, his expression changing to one of feigned shock and concern.

"You think Eli can hold a note? How badly did he injure your eardrums? Can you still hear me?" Leo asked with feigned concern before a grin broke the shocked veil, and they both let out a laugh.

"He isn't that bad!"

"Come on, Blue Streak, you know he is. Pronto's better if you ask me." Leo told her his opinion before he took a sip of the cave apple juice, the strong, sweet smell of the juice wafting into her nostrils.

"Who says I asked you?" Alana sneered, and Leo rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm as the rim of the cup left his lips.

"Wow, that was hilarious! I almost forgot to-" Leo joked, leaning back, interrupted as he noticed himself knocking down the candlestick. Before he could catch it, the flame spread onto the large cloth, causing Leo to yelp from being startled as the flames seared a hole into the fabric.

"Shit!" Leo swore as the fire started to spread to the cloth, burning an even larger hole into it. Leo and Alana's eyes widened in alarm as they took away the photos from the fire, holding them in one hand as Leo tried to stomp out the fire, panic evident in his eyes.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, what do I- Christmas!" Leo yelled frantically for his Frostcrawler, who swiftly hopping towards him, blowing a breath of cold air at the fire, immediately putting it out. Leo sighed in relief as the fire immediately dissipated, but his face flushed crimson red in embarrassment once he saw the large hole in the fabric, the edges in the hole singed soot black. Alana smiled, snickering before she burst into laughter.

"Oh shut up, Alana." Leo grumbled, pouting, feeling guilty, but Alana let herself smile when she saw the corners of his own lips turn up into a smile.

"That was fun." Alana stated after she had calmed down, and Leo pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Everything nearly caught on fire, Alana." Leo bluntly said, gesturing at the ruined tablecloth.

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