Chapter 19

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Author's Note: EXAMS ARE OVER BLESS THE FUCK UP!! and sorry if this chapter is boring, i struggled writing this because i felt really tired the whole week and it's a filler so yeah, look out for typos, on with the chap

I want power.

"Come here, you filthy street rat!"

"No, please, I don't wanna go! SOMEBODY, PLEASE, HELP ME!"

I want to feel it with my very being.

"He's weak, vunerable, just like you asked, sir."


And power is obtained by fear.

"You'll make the perfect weapon."

"And you'll serve me well."


"You could have went to anyone. Dana, Dacres and Debira Gemini, Archer. What the hell made you think of me?" He asked me almost angrily, his fists clenching in anger as he sat on the other end of the room, his turquoise blue eyes glaring straight into my soul, his glare as cold as ice. But just at the mere glimpse of his anger, the blazing potiental behind his glare, the fury in his fists, it inspired me. He could still do so much more, he could still be so much more. He's more than just a common man with a common job as a private slugslinging mentor. It's in his being, in his very soul. If you only gave him a glance, what you'll see barely scratches the surface of who he truly was, because that's who he was.

Now, I see why Blakk picked him.

"You were Blakk's apprentice, after all. He must have picked you for a reason." A low growl emitted from his throat, and he stood up quickly, his wooden chair flying backwards as his anger seethed in his body, boiling his blood as he barked back at me,

"And I told him I was done being his apprentice after the Unbeatable Master died! I didn't stand for murder and I still don't, and I'm not going to galavant around all of Slugterra on a crusade to corrupt and kill everything in all the caverns!!" He exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the mantel shelf of the emberplace, the white hot embers burning behind an invisible forcefield. I sighed tiredly at his defiance, and my gaze traveled downwards to the mantel shelf of the fire, framed pictures lined up along the shelf, polaroid photos hanged up along the mantel shelf, filled with grinning faces and laughs.

"You were perfectly fine with it three years ago." I pointed out, and he sighed exasparately, his fingers massaging his forehead.

"I lived in an abandoned building and was surviving off leftovers people threw in the trash! I had no choice!" He exclaimed, his hand waving around frantically to convey his point, and he finally leaned back on the chair. I rolled my eyes, and they drifted back to the pictures. Group pictures with Blakk's Elite, amusing candids with his arsenal, with some of the citizens of Quisingly Cavern. Yeah, some of the pictures were of his friends, his team.

But most of them were of that woman he loved so much.

Pictures of her squeezed up against him as his arms were wrapped around hers. Most of the polaroids consisted of him posing goofily with the same girl, pictures of her he took and kept, of her gazing amazedly at the Lumino Crystals, her eyes filled with wonder. And under one of the polaroids, black ink stained the frame if the polaroid in untidy writing, spelling out the words 'my electricity' on the bottom. I grinned maliciously, an stroke of pure genius causing an idea to manifest in my mind.

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