Chapter 9

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(A/N: reminder- the story's now taking place four years later when Skye's 19 and everyone else are the ages they were in Book of Circus)



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I had been moved up to first-tear status over the years but I didn't see the difference

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I had been moved up to first-tear status over the years but I didn't see the difference. Sure, there were perks but everything was the same other than more performance time. I was loosing faith that my deal with Undertaker was going to be honored. I sighed and shifted the scalpel I had stolen from the doctor in my hand. I had sent Ash away earlier to go play with Betty so he wouldn't see me cutting. I took a deep breath and began to drag the the blade across my wrists. As I cut I began to run out of skin to cut. I had almost no space left to cut on either arm anymore and was getting dizzy from all the blood loss but continued anyways.

"Hey Wolf Joker wants-" Doll began to say as she walked in but froze when she saw what I was  doing

For a moment neither of us moved or spoke. She gave me a sad look before starting to yell.

"Why the hell would you do something so stupid?!" she yelled with tears falling from her eyes "That's dangerous! You said you'd stop!"

I just stormed off without a word. She followed me.

"Wolf, answer me!" Doll yelled

"Fuck off Doll! Mind your own business!" I yelled without turning to face her and flipped her off

"This is my business!" she yelled now only angry, there was no trace of sadness in her anymore

"Oh, Skye. I was looking for-" Joker said as I stormed passed him "Is everything okay?"

"It is my fucking business when I have to constantly stop you from do stupid shit!! You need to stop!" Doll yell, surprising everyone since she almost never cursed

This pissed me off just a little too much. I turned to face her and slapped her.

"It's none of your fucking business you goddamn bitch!" I hissed "And you have no right to tell me what I can and can't do!"


"What?!" Joker freaked out and grabbed my arms in a panic

I snatched them away and tried storming off but stopped when Snake stood in my way.

"Why?" he asked weakly

I froze up. I couldn't think or speak. My mind began to grow fuzzy and as my vision blurred I realized that the blood pouring down my arms was the cause. The blood loss had gotten to be too much and I collapsed to the ground as the world faded black.

>>>>>time skip to when she wakes up<<<<<

I woke up in the infirmary and pain surged through my head and arms. I looked around tiredly and saw Sebastian talking to the doctor. I was too dizzy to even realized that he wasn't in the circus so I didn't question it. I stumbled out of the bed and nearly fell to the floor while doing so. I exited the infirmary tent and stumble-walked off, not really knowing where I was heading.

"C-Ciel?" I asked half-expecting it to be a hallucination "That you?"

"Skye?" he asked in surprised "How've you been?"

He ran up to me and hugged me. I was surprised since he wasn't much of a hugger but accepted the hug and happily returned it.

"Smiles," someone said, causing me to look up at Ciel "Finally found you."

"Smiles?" I laughed "Well that's ironic."

Doll stepped out from a corner.

"What is it now Freckles?" Ciel groaned

I glared at Doll.

"You're still being a bitch about it?" she hissed at me, meeting my glare

Ciel seemed surprised by her comment.

"I have my rights." I growled "Or is that one more thing you're gonna try to tell me I can't do."

"You could have died." she said angrily "I was trying to save you from yourself."

"Well maybe I don't want to be saved." I hissed

"You barely have the energy to stand up straight yet somehow you have all the energy in the world to be a bitch. You were unconscious for over a week Wolf! Stop shutting everyone out and get some fucking help."

"I don't need anyone's help! I don't want anyone's help! What I want is to fucking die already but that just doesn't seem to be happening!" I yelled at her, fighting back the tears

She tried to say something else but I ran off. The little energy I had quickly disappeared as I ran and I collapsed a few minutes after. I didn't bother getting up. I was far enough away from Doll. I could hear footsteps approaching me and could only hope Doll hadn't followed my. I was surprised when Snake stepped in front of me and picked me up bridal style in his arms. He began to walk me off somewhere as I laid in his arms.

"I don't want to go to the infirmary." I mumbled in a weak and quiet voice

I was worried that he didn't hear me but I didn't have the energy to talk any louder. He turned a different direction than the one he was going and I relaxed slightly, knowing we weren't heading to the infirmary. He brought me to his tent and gently placed me on the bed. I blushed at Wordsworth's comments.

"Sh-Shut up Wordsworth. It-It's not like that." I stuttered, my face completely red

"You can understand them?" Snake asked

"Why do you think Emily hangs out with me so often?" I asked with a small giggle "Even snakes need girl talk."

"She has seemed much happier lately." he said but then suddenly got serious "Please never do that again. You really scared me."

I was taken back for a moment but nodded at him "Okay." I said

>>>>>time skip past when Joker and the others leaves to the places they died at in the show and die<<<<<

(A/N: it's gonna start up in the next chapter)

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