Stoneweaver - Chapter 8

Start from the beginning

Suppressing a growl, Thortus shook his head. "He was more interested in academia, from what I remember. But then it was Zienna who was the problem, so I didn't pay him much attention." He grimaced as his mind dragged over what memories it could find, unearthing little of use.

"So what's he after, then?" Danath's question drew Thortus' glare, and he hastily continued. "I mean if he's after revenge on Narvon rather than you, why is he back here?"

Thortus turned to Elgren, who frowned.

"Good point," Thortus said. "Of course, he could be lying, but if he's not... What do we know about how he's been spending his time in the city?"

"Not much," Elgren said. "There was little evidence in his place, but we were focussing on waiting for him rather than tracking where he'd been."

"Well start on that. And visit his former acquaintances, find out whether he's been in contact with any of them."

Elgren nodded, but any response was cut off as a guard poked a nervous head through the door. "Sir, there's an ambassador arrived from Lord Narvon."

Freezing a moment, Thortus wondered how much Narvon knew, and how long he must have known. But he had little option other than to meet with the man. "Have him shown to the private audience chamber, and tell him I'll be with him momentarily."

The guard's nod finished behind the door as he hastily retreated, and Thortus turned to Elgren. "Welden?"

"More than likely. He could just be here to discuss the Cleansing, but it's unusual to just turn up unannounced for something not that urgent."

"Agreed. But we'll let him speak first, just in case."

Composing himself, his temper having finally subsided, even if his tiredness had grown to fill the void, he led the way to the next floor down at a calm pace. Guards opened the doors to the private audience chamber, his 'throne room', and closed them after the three had entered.

The ambassador stood waiting with his hands clasped behind his back, turning as Thortus entered. He offered a stiff half-bow. His white hair made a marked contrast to his dark eyes and young complexion, and the pouch at the belt of his well-fitted, dark uniform, spoke of a skill at Stoneweaving. Nearly as tall as Elgren, he was bulkier, but in a muscled way that spoke of intensive training. After meeting Thortus' gaze ran an appraising gaze over Elgren and Danath, as was usual among their kind. Thortus made a note to ask Elgren what he learned from such an appraisal.

"Kulth," the ambassador introduced himself in a clam soft tone as he offered his hand, displaying little hint of being rushed.

"Good to meet you." Thortus gave a brief, firm shake of his hand, and gestured towards the chairs around the small table. While all the chairs were of a similar size, Thortus' was of a rare wooden make, a gift from Lord Narvon, while the others were of a comfortable, but less showy, coral. "What may we do for Lord Narvon?"

"I am searching for a thief we believe is currently in your city."

Well so much for the hope it was something else. "And why do you believe he's here?"

"Because we know what he's after."

What, not who. "And that would be?"

"A jederine gem in your collection."

The jederine? While a valuable gemstone, it wasn't known to be of use for Stoneweaving, and if stealing for value, why would just that one be the target? He had more valuable items in the collection. Thortus glanced at Elgren, who rose with a nod, heading for the door to order guards increased on the collection. He returned his attention to his guest. "And what makes you so sure he's after it?"

"He's performed thefts of similarly valuable stones from other cities."

"And he needs the jederine to complete the collection?"

"Yes." His face maintaining a calm blankness, Kulth obviously intended to reveal little more than he had to.

"And what would he do with the piece?" Not exactly a diplomatic move, but then Narvon had let a troublemaker sold to him escape, so Thortus felt he had every right to be aggrieved.

"Nothing which would affect you."

"How reassuring." He allowed a growl to edge into his tone as Elgren returned. "But given that one of your problems is threatening me, I feel I should at least know his ultimate goal."

Kulth met his gaze evenly for a long moment, and Thortus heard Danath adjust his position slightly, but the ambassador's gaze didn't as much as flicker in his direction. "I'm afraid I can't answer that question."

He didn't know. Lord Narvon could be as secretive with his own men as with everyone else, it appeared. Hardly surprising. But irritating. And in danger of reigniting his temper.

"So can you at least tell me how it is that someone I sold to Lord Narvon, with every expectation of never seeing again, manages to escape your grasp, and go around stealing things which could pose a threat to your lord?"

Confusion edged onto Kulth's features. "Whom you sold...?!"

"Yes, Welden was one of my..." Cursing himself inwardly for letting it slip, since it appeared he'd made a false assumption, Thortus managed a smile. Better to keep the high ground. "So he's not who you're after. Did you even know he was back here after his escape?"

Kulth's tone took on a defensive edge. "I've never heard of this Welden."

"I sold him and his woman into slavery about ten years ago, and he reappeared just days ago."

"You can hardly expect me to be aware of every slave in our service." His tone recovered some of its indifference.

"I'd expect you to know all the ones who've escaped. Or are there too many of those, as well?"

A faint tightening about the eyes showed his reaction to this, but he otherwise exhibited an admirable level of self-control. Which Thortus felt the urge to further needle, an urge his more sensible side managed to suppress, as he waited for a response.

"I was unaware that anyone but Kreddick had ever escaped our mines, but..."

"Kreddick!?" Thortus turned to Danath. "Grab a few of the lads and go invite him over for a chat." He turned back to Kulth. "He's a Stoneweaver?"

"It seems likely." Kulth waited until Danath had left the room. "This Welden? You're sure it was him?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Thortus growled. "He stood not feet from me..." He hesitated, cursing his temper.

"You had him feet from you and you let him escape."

If the white-haired bastard weren't a Stoneweaver he might have taken a blade for that, but even in his deepest temper Thortus could judge an opponent, and this one would be better left. "But he's still in my city, so I guess I'm one ahead of you."

Kulth offered only a flat stare.

"Now unless there're any other lost slaves you want help rounding up, I do have work to do." Thortus rose, waiting, and Kulth followed suit. "I'll let you know as soon as we have one of them ready for you."

Hesitating, Kulth had likely been hoping for men to aid his search, but apparently decided it better not to push the issue. A wise decision, considering how difficult to control Thortus had begun finding his temper.

With a curt nod, Kulth departed.

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