Stoneweaver - Chapter 15

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Danath couldn't remember many dawns, and probably wouldn't remember this one. Despite the clear skies, the warm breeze, and the colours of the light filtering through the skies, it failed to lighten his mood. He'd slept at The Hall, as much as he'd managed to sleep, and now sat on the steps in front of it, staring across the road to Thortus' mansion.

His room had been cleaned, but still he couldn't bring himself to return to it. A temporary condition he assured himself. Everyone died, and rarely of old age, so why should he be affected by it. The shock he felt would pass soon, then he could get on with his life.

But his eyes seemed reluctant to focus on anything else, so the visitor didn't register until he stopped ten paces in front of the building. Hearing the guards by the door tense, Danath finally glanced at the grinning figure before them.

"I understand you've been looking for me," Kreddick said in a cheerful voice, standing comfortably with his hands behind his back. The tone didn't quite match the mocking edge in those eyes. Danath couldn't help see a threat in them. The last time they'd met he thought it just the posturing Stonefighter, but looking at them now there seemed a suppressed anger back their, held tightly reined, but there nonetheless.

Danath turned to the guards. "Go tell Elgren we have a guest." As one of them darted away, he turned back to Kreddick. "Glad you could join us. We thought you might have left without telling us."

"Without doing what I came here to? No." Kreddick regarded him oddly a moment. "You seem more subdued than in our last meeting. Not my influence, I hope."

Did he know about Syssarra? Was he responsible? But why? No, more likely he thought the searching had been tiring. But if he had played a part in... Danath couldn't let him feel he'd achieved anything. "Not really a morning person."

"Then I'm glad to have found you on a rare day." He glanced up as Elgren came into view, guards flowing past him to nervously surround their guest. He ignored them. "Greetings. I was hoping to get an audience with your boss."

"Certainly," Elgren said in a stiff tone. "If you'd just hand over your gemstones, we'll be happy to escort you to the audience chamber."

His grin seeming to widen a touch, Kreddick nodded his head. "No, no, what kind of manners are these, almost treating a guest like a prisoner."

"If it's easier," Danath offered, "feel free to consider yourself a prisoner."

"Thanks, but I think I'll pass."

"Then I'm afraid," Elgren began descending the steps, "we may have to take them from you and call you a corpse."

With a sigh, Danath rose. A couple of other Stoneweavers had joined the circle, the sight of which had cleared the area of civilians. It didn't seem likely he could really survive them all, so what had he hoped to gain by coming here. Had his other options been lost? Was the gemstone he wanted too well guarded now?

Kreddick simply grinned at the threat. "And lose the valuable information I have to trade?"

"A risk I guess we'll have to take," Elgren said.

"And is that your choice to make?" His hands drifted towards his sides, and the sight of gemstones within them, one the dark red of dett, the other a clear smoky gem Danath didn't recognise, sent a wave of tension through the circle.

"I suppose we could just beat you halfway to death, and then extract the information from what's left of you."

"Really," Kreddick offered a disapproving stare. "How very crass. And inefficient. How can you be sure I'll talk?"

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