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It was a warm September spring morning with the ambient at a pleasant degree for hiking, particularly for those who could be considered as less experienced at bush walking. The four friends meandered through the dense rain forest almost in a mood of total abandonment from the city and the rest of the world as they followed an almost indistinguishable trail that had been left by those that had ventured this way before. As they moved through the rainforest, brushing aside the undergrowth and ducking under low foliage, they could be heard to make casual comments, "look here, look there" as they were all intrigued by the various array of plants, ferns, the broadleaf elephant ears, the strange shapes of the coloured fungi and the tall forest trees that were all competing for the rays of life. Commentary also about the intriguing shapes that bordered the narrow trail along the top of the steep sided river bank down to its rocky bed that had been sculptured by a millennium of years of water flow as it traversed its way down the mountain, with its spectacular views, weathered rocky formations and the sunlight glistening off the water as it tumbled over the rocks creating a 'live painting' over small rapids on its journey downstream. It was like having your own piece of paradise, time could easily have stood still with the rain forest silence only disturbed by the occasional interjection of a bird call or the sound of rustling leaves as a lizard scurried off from its restful slumber, being disturbed only by the sounds of footprints approaching, it was a pleasant place and time seemed irrelevant. The worries of the world, the Vietnam War, the protests in the major cities, the Beatles were in full flight with their music around the world, all of this seemed so far removed and surreal from the peace and delights that the dense rainforest offered.

There was enough sunlight filtering through the tree tops to warm the skin and to highlight the beads of sweat that trickled off the body. "And just how do you plan to get us to the top of that" Mel queried Roger as she looked ahead at the rocky escarpment ahead. Roger had been leading the group from the start of the trek that was to take them along the well-known rainforest track; he was also the one that had convinced the group to follow a less beaten side track that would take the group to 'unknown adventures'. Roger could be very convincing as the adventurous spirit that dwelled inside would take over, extruding such enthusiasm and excitement that it was almost impossible to deny his will. Roger perused the situation and decided that this challenge could not be denied. His instant desire to see what was at the top of this cliff almost overcame his entire body with excitement. He turned to the group and suggested that "up & over" and that it would be "a piece of cake".

Mel looked at Roger, "I was only kidding" she replied with some apprehension in her voice, "what would be the point"? "We have come this far" Roger instantly replied in his most convincing voice "and besides it will be a long time before we get back this way, we have plenty of time today".

"Well, I for one, have had enough hiking & adventure for one day" Mike interjected, "what about you Alice", as he looked across at his girlfriend of several years, realising that she was not enjoying or appreciating the fullness of this hiking experience and was putting up with it for Rogers sake.

"Yes I agree", Alice replied, "I have really had enough for today, I would just rather go back to the camping area, have a swim, a bite to eat and catch a bit of sun".

Mel looked across at Roger and could see his disappointment and understood the reasoning behind his desire for adventure as she has a similar although lesser adventurous spirit. He was never one to sit back and watch the world go by, this was one of the things that really appealed to her when she first got to know and go out with him. Mel was also known to be the diplomat on many occasions and had the ability to think quickly to resolve issues. "What if you and Alice go back to the camping area and we meet you back there", Mel suggested to Mike, also very aware that Alice was starting to struggle with this latest adventure. "Roger & I will have a quick look at the top of the cliff and then we will come back to the camp site, you will be able to find your way back easily, just stay on the track we followed, how do you feel about that"?

Broken RiverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя