Chapter two

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She was sitting by her desk reading a cold case file of a girl that got stabbed and the perp never got caught. She was waiting for the lab to call her for the test she sent them. If she was lucky she would get something out of the old evidence that was not processed 20 years ago.

Emma loved her new job, it gave her more down time with her son and she could leave when ever she needed too, even if she have a 9 to 5 kind of hours. Since Emma started to work at the SPD Cold Case Unit they been closing more and more cases and was even getting praise by the mayor and the families that been waiting for some kind of justice and closure for their love once was so grateful.

Emma sent a text to her partner and told her that she was going to pick Henry up from pre school and then to Belle who was her babysitter.

She parked her car and got out, she stood there waiting for her baby with other parents and the school bell rang letting them know that the day was over.

The doors opend and a bunch of kids ran out of the door screaming happily. "MAMA MAMA" the blond woman heard her son screaming for her making her laugh "hey baby, how was your day?" She asked the little boy who just held on to her "we had fun Miss Turner is teaching us how to write stories this week" he said happily.

Once they got in the car Henry couldn't stop talking about all the stuff he learned in school and Emma was happy to hear everything he told her. She looked into her backreear mirror and noticed a car speeding very fast. She tried to drive on the other side of the road but it was too late. The car lost the balance and was now crashing into them. Last thing Emma screamd out was for Henry to pull his head down and hold on tight.

Everything went black after that.

The firefighters got to the scene and all of them noticed the black SVU and the special blue lights on them and they knew that it was one of them.

Sullivan, who was the captain noticed the woman who was unconscious and told his men to contact their Assistant Chife.

"O'Reilly call for the medics and tell them it's one of us.. Ryna take Henry and get him out of there" he ordered them.

Once they got Emma and Henry out the EMT rushed them both to Seattle Rose Hospital.

Once they arrived at the ER the doctors was ordered to do everything to save Emma since she was one of them. She was also the daughter of the Assistant Chief.

Dr. Keptner did everything she could with the help of Dr. Gray. They were lucky that she only had some broken ribs and small cuts, but since her ribs was broken breathing was a problem for the blond so they had to keep her hooked up on the machine and hopefully she would wake up from her unconsciousness.

Hours later Sullivan and Reyna was at the waiting room together with Henry. David had called spoken to him and he found out that some drunk driver lost control of his car and hit his baby girl and grandson in the process.

David was in a conference when he got the news and rush to his hotel room and packed his bag and took the first flight home. He wouldn't be home until morning.


She did her rounds making sure her staff was giving her reports of yesterday's events when she bump into a little boy who was sitting outside a patient's room. She looked at the boy with worried eyes and crouched down to his level "hello there handsom" she said and he looked into the her eyes "hi" he whispered "what are you doing sitting outside the room?" She asked quietly.

The little boy was quiet for a bit "my mom and I was in an accident yesterday, but she is sleeping now and I don't want to wake her up" the little boy said. Regina gave him a smile "don't worrie I can keep you company for a bot.. if you dont mind that is and I dont have a lot of patients at the moment". The little boy just nodded and got up from the floor.

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