Chapter XXI - Two of a Kind

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Lotor was leaving the crew quarters hall when he bumped into Keith.

"Watch where you are going," shouted Keith. However, when he looked up at the person he bumped into it was Lotor.

"What are you doing on this side of the shipped, didn't Shiro tell you to stay away from Allura?" questioned Keith

To which Lotor replied "The princess, I mean Allura and I came to understanding. She is the one who summoned me to her quarters. I was obeying Shiro's request and completely avoiding her, but she found me on the training deck with Lance and wanted to speak with me. Who am I to deny her request."

"Well seeing how that was hours ago, I am assuming you hashed things out," said Keith

"Indeed, Allura and I worked out our differences and I finally told her the truth about everything. She told me to have a little faith, and try to be open and honest with everyone. I know now that I should have been honest with your team from the start, instead I let my insecurities get the best of me," said Lotor

"Since you have come clean with us, its time I am honest with you. It wasn't Allura who left you in the rift. She actually wanted to rescue you, but I was the one who told the team to fall back. I was the reason you were left in the rift," exclaimed Keith.

"It's quite alright young palidan. You are the leader of your team. You had to look out for their safety and sanity. Please don't blame yourself, for my wrongdoings. I have myself to blame and no one else. At least I was given another chance," said Lotor

"I know the feeling. When my father died I found it hard to trust people. It wasn't until Shiro came into my life and I was finally able to open up. Shiro made me a better person."

"Allura informed me you are half Galra, we have more in common then I thought. I always found it as a curse, but Allura told me to embrace both halves as it will make me a better person," said Lotor

As they continued their conversation, they made their way into the mess hall of the Atlas. The Galra ships had mess halls, but nothing as sophisticated as this. There they met up with Hunk, who was teaching a cooking class for some cadets.

"Hunk what are you cooking, it sure smells good," replied Keith

Hunk spun around and almost dropped his frying pan of food when he saw Lotor.

"I am teaching the cadets how to cook with foods found here in this part of the galaxy and incorporating herbs and spices from Earth a type of food fusion. It's quite delicious as compared to the food goo we had on the castle. Lotor would you like to try one of my creations," asked Hunk

"Yes, I would appreciate that. I did build up quite an appetite," replied Lotor

Keith gave Lotor a sly look.

***********************************************************************************************Thank to all you have been reading this story. I have enjoyed every minute writing it.  Please feel free to comment.  I would like to hear what you think of all the chapters. I will upload the next 3 chapters next weekend. Many thanks again =)

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