Chapter IX - Friend

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A few movements had passed and Wilder was beside himself. The Princess, Ryner, and Lotor all wanted his help, but he did not know whom to help first. Moreover, the whole thing about Lotor's Sincline ship not being dismantled was a whole another story. He needed help to get the real story from Van and knew of one person who could help him that.

"Lotor wake up I need your help," Wilder called out

Lotor awoke and answered, "How can I help you seeing I am behind bars?"

"I don't need your help in combat. You seem to have a way to manipulate people with just your words. I need to find a way to get more information from the Olkarian scientist Van, as he is conducting studies on your Sincline ship that was never destroyed."

"I see. Did you by any chance get the communication log that I asked for?" Lotor asked

"Lotor I did retrieve it, but to be honest these last couple of months, I see you as a friend as I don't have much here on Olkarion. I am afraid if you listen to it, you might remember your past and become the old Lotor and the coalition cannot have that. So you have to understand where I am coming from." Wilder said in a concerned voice.

"You see me as your friend, I never heard someone call me that before. I was always Prince Lotor, never a friend. I will help you get the information you need now find a seat and I will teach you my art of manipulation."

Wilder listened to Lotor intensively.

After vargas of learning Lotor's ways, Wilder was ready to speak to Van.

"Thank you Lotor. I never thought I would say that you."

"No thank you, Wilder, at least I don't feel that alone in this cell anymore. Let me know if you need more help I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Lotor laughed

Wow Lotor laughing, that is something new. With that, Wilder headed out to the canteen to find Van.


Next weekend I will be posting 3 new chapters.  To all that are reading my story, thank you again.

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