Chapter 2: Hot Vampires

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A/N: I know that no fiolee things have happened yet, but i'll be sure to get to that on this chapter. Does anyone have any ideas on ne chapters or characters to include in this story? If I like them, i'll probably use them in this story. I have serious writers block, but I managed to write this story for you guys. I hope you all like the story so far. I'm thinking of including Flame Prince, Prince Gumball, LSP, Marshall's ex girlfriend, and some of my own custom characters. If you have any questions or suggestions that you want me to read just comment. I will read every single comment I get. That's all for now, talk to everyone later! Luv ya! Byeee!


Fionna's pov:

"Cake, we've been walking for hours. My feet are killing me. Are we almost there?"

"Don't worry babycakes, we'll be there soon."

"What's that?"

"It looks like a house. Maybe people live here. Let's go and see if anyone is there."

   Knock!  Knock!  Knock!


Marshall's pov:

I was playing a few songs on my axe bass, when I heard a knock on my door. I bet it's my mom again. She wants me to come with her and take on the responsibility of ruling the night-o-sphere. I looked out of my window and saw that it wasn't my mom, but it appeared to be a girl and a cat.

She was the prettiest thing I have ever seen, even though I have been alive for more than a thousand years. I opened the door to see the stunning girl in front of me.


Fionna's pov:

The door opened to reveal a tall, toned, handsome, greenish-skinned guy who clearly had abs.

"Hi cutie, why don't you come inside." he said with a smirk across his face.

"Thanks. It is getting kinda cold."

"No problem. So why are you here"?

"Oh, my cat Cake and I we're just exploring the forests and caves."

"Oh, ok."


RING! RING! RING! Cake's phone started ringing.

"Do you mind if I step outside for a little bit, I gotta take this."

"Sure, go ahead."

"Now what?"

"Hmmm... I was wondering, what are you going to do this week?"

"I usually just play songs on my axe bass, or go and hang out at the night-o-sphere with some friends, but my mom is making me go to school."

"I'm going to school this week too."


"Wow this guy is hot, like really hot, he's just so perfect..."

"Um... You do know that you're thinking out loud?"

I started to blush. I could feel my face redden by the second.

"Oh. Umm... Wow, this is embarrassing. Um... i'm Fionna. Are you a human? Because you're green."

"No, i'm not  a human, i'm a vampire. I'm actually  Marshall Lee the Vampire King.

"I thought you were a human, but you seem pretty nice for a vampire."

"No, I'm pretty evil, but thanks for the complement."

"Oh, you're welcome. One more thing..."

"Ok, what is it?"

"You're a vampire, and you haven't tried to suck my blood, like they do in the movies."

"Yeah, so"?

"How do you survive without drinking any blood?

"Toss me something red like an apple."

I toss him an apple.

"Watch this".

I watch as he bites the apple and sucks the red out of it, until the apple is grey.


"That's one of the perks of being a vampire."

"Cool, Cake and I have to go home. Bye."

"Ok, well here's my number, we should hang out sometime."

"Ok, thanks here's mine, see you soon."


Back at the new house...

Fionna's pov:

"Oooooh! He likes you! Like like-likes you! Awww! My little sister is growing up! Fionna and Marshall sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first comes love, the comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carraige!"

"Cake, you don't understand, Marshall is a..."

"TOTAL HOTTIE!" She blurts out.

"Argghh! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

I was blushing like crazy while Cake was singing that annoying yet insanely catchy song. I like Marshall. I might just like-like him, but I just met him, and I don't know anything about him, or how old he is, or his favorite color. But I have the feeling that we're going to be the best of friends.

"Baby cakes, he's a gentleman, he's handsome, and he's single! Go and ask him out! He seems pretty normal and really nice!"

"Cake, I like Marshall, he's cute and really sweet, but I just met him today. I really don't want to rush into anything. And it's probably going to ruin the friendship that we have going on right now."

"Well if you're not in love with him now, you are bound to fall in love with him sooner or later."

"Whatever you say Cake. I'm kinda excited for school tomorrow though, you know, new friends, new experiences, new teachers, everything seems just so...  mathematical!"

"It's getting late. I'm gonna go to bed, you should too."

"I will, goodnight Cake!"

"Goodnight baby cakes!"


A/N: I hope you are enjoying the story, I have a few ideas for the next few chapters. Bye!

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