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"here's your drink." sunwoo sits down beside soyung with two drinks on his hands. he hands her one of them and she quietly thanks him. "enjoying the party so far?"

"yeah, it's cool." she shrugs.

the clock strikes eleven thirty pm and even if she has been there for only two hours, it seemed like an eternity. she was never a party person. the party environment is something she always thought it was suffocating and toxic.

"sunwoo, do you want to dance?" lee nagyung, their classmate, appears from nowhere and asks.

sunwoo looks up to the girl surprised that someone asked him to dance. he looks at soyung who just whispers go and smiles. he doesn't want to leave her alone but she pushes him out of the couch. "go have some fun."

she looks down to her drink and notices that her cup is already empty. she stands up and starts walking between the crowd of people to the kitchen so she could get another drink. as she walks in the kitchen, she sees felix putting some kind of drink into a cup. he looks up to her for a brief second but then just looks back down to the drink. "hey felix." she greets expecting a greeting back from him but he just ignored it and continued with what he was doing. "felix?" no answer. "why are you ignoring me?"

"how do you want me to talk to you after the way you treated my girlfriend?" he talks in a low tone.

"it has been a week, how can you still be holding on to that?" she rolls her eyes.

"doesn't matter if it has been a week or a month! I did not enjoy what you did to her."

"I didn't do anything to her! she had it coming!" she yells obviously mad. "she has been ignoring me since she started dating you and then she comes all friendly talking to me like nothing happened."

"so, you're saying it's my fault you can't keep your friendships?"

she takes a deep breath. "look, felix I don't want to argue with you. you can be mad at me if you want to but soon you'll find out the type of person you're girlfriend truly is."

felix picks up both drinks he was preparing and just left the kitchen. she sighs as she sits on the barstool.

"you seem like you're needing something strong." changbin enters the kitchen and walks over to the other side of the kitchen counter, in front of her. "that was pretty ugly. I'm sorry, didn't mean to overhear but I was walking by."

"don't need to apologize, bin."

"oh, new nickname?" he smiles and she just shrugs. "I like it." he winks playfully. "going back to that drink. may I?"  he motions to her cup that somehow continues on her hand.

"sure." changbin pulls the cup closer to him and then pulls out various bottles of something she didn't recognize. of all the bottles he picks up two of them and mixed them up on her cup. he hands her the cup and she takes a sip of it. "this is amazing..." she feels her throat burning and starts coughing. "...and so strong."

"glad you liked it." he leans in placing his elbows on the counter. "so, where's your boyfriend?" she looks at him confused. "I believe his name's sunwoo?"

"he's not my boyfriend." she chuckles. "he's around, hopefully having more fun than me." she takes another sip of her drink emptying the cup and looks down, her fingers playing with the cup.

"do you need another drink?" she nods giving him her cup. he does the same mix as before and hands her the cup, watching her drink the whole thing in one go. "oh my goodness."

after some drinks, she gets up and walks up to changbin on the other side of the counter. "let's go dance!" she grabs changbin's wrist dragging him to the living room which is being used as a dance floor as of for tonight.

at this moment, she could consider herself drunk. she doesn't have control of her body anymore. she doesn't know what those drinks had but now, she just wants to have fun. as they reached the dance floor, some pop song, which she now can't recognize, was playing and changbin started dancing in a weird way, causing her to laugh. she looks around hoping to see sunwoo but no luck. she just shrugs it off and looks back to changbin, who asks her if everything was fine. she pulls their bodies closer and wraps her arms around his neck.

"soyung, what are you doing?" changbin shakes under her touch as she runs her fingers through his hair.

"I don't know." she shrugs as her face decreases the space between them. "I just feel like it." she looks at his eyes before she completely ends with the space between their lips. changbin's eyes widen with the sudden contact of her lips but soon his eyes closed and he melts into the kiss that lasts a few seconds more before she pulls away. "oops, you have red lipstick on your lips." she chuckles as she tries to wipe off the red pigment of his face.

"uhm, soyung?" someone calls her and she turns around to see who it was. hyunjin. "are you okay?"

"never been better, jinnie!" she lets go of changbin and raises her arms in the air. "life's great," she yells.

"changbin, can you please take her to your place? I don't think her parents would like to see her like that." hyunjin questions and changbin looks at him suspiciously. "I would take her to mine but I'm not going home tonight." hyunjin motions to seungmin who's beside him and the later slaps his arm.

"got it." changbin's winks at the boys and grabs soyung bride-style. "let's go sandy." he carries her to his car and sits her on the passenger seat. he walks back inside to meet the boys. "do you know where felix is?"

"he left with chaewon a few time ago." seungmin warns.

changbin leaves the house again walking to his car. he turned on the car and drove home.



words: 1018

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