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I walk into my bedroom and sit down on my bed. Does she really have a boyfriend? I wonder if he treats her right.

Wait! What am I thinkin' about? This is my befriends daughter!

I grab the remote, deciding to watch Television. As I watch Cheers I hear giggles and laughs coming from the room two doors down from mine.

I smile a little knowing one of those giggles all too well. I then hear Ky; "JAN! STOP!"

I wonder what they're doing. I get up and go downstairs to the kitchen and see Susan, cleaning the counters humming a tune.

I clear my throat and she looks up; a small smile present on her face.

I smile a little, "Hi, Susan. I have a request for dinner."

She sighs, "Though I'd love to surprise you with a dish. What is it that you want?"

I chuckle softly, "I was thinking spaghetti and meatballs. Can you make extra? I have guests over." I tell her.

She shrugs, "Yes I will make extra. As long as I know who's over. I know if Kyrstin is over I'll have to make her, her very own pot of spaghetti." She giggles softly shaking her head slightly.

"Janet, Kyrstin, and Cari are my visitors." I tell her smiling at the thought of Cari.

She's so beautiful- WAIT! What the hell am I saying?

"Michael? Sir," Susan says snapping me out of my thoughts.

I clear my throat, "Um, yes,"

Susan raises one of her eyebrows, "I know that look from anywhere, who is she?"

Susan's been my cook ever since I bought Neverland so she knows how I am. But still I'm gonna decide to play dumb.

I raise both of my eyebrows, "I do not know what your talking about. There's no one on my mind at the present moment."

She sighs and purses her lips, "Give it up Michael. I've been calling your name for the last ten minutes; at no time in those ten minutes did you answer me. You're thinking about someone. Wanna know how I know?" She asks me.

I nod, "Yes, please inform me on how you know what I'm thinking about." I say smartly earning a slap on the neck from Susan.

"I know because you did the same thing when you were thinking of Tatiana," she says her name with venom, ":you had the biggest crush on her unloyal as- I mean behind. Lord forgive me."

I sigh defeated, "Please don't tell anyone," I plead, "But I think I have a crush on my bestfriends daughter." I whisper to her.

She gasps..


"You guys, I'm really worried about Michael. It seems he'll never find the right one for him." Janet says seriously.

"Well, all I have to say is I'll take him. I'm single and ready to mingle. Sorry but your brother is gorgeous...well I'm actually not sorry about that last part." Ky says seriously.

I giggle, "My boyfriend is so loyal. Its been like a dream these last few months." I say dreamily.

But little did she know...


I watch as Calvin pulls his pants on and does his belt. When is he gunna break up with Cari to be with me?

"When are you gunna tell her about us?" I ask him as he comes over to me to peck my lips.

He pecks my lips repeatedly before replying to me with a simple; "Soon,"

I look down at my hands, "Alright baby, I love you." I say to him.

"I love you too," he says smiling at me walking out.

After I hear the door close I go downstairs and see my mother in an apron cooking.

I guess she feels my presence because her next words catch me off guard.

"When were you gunna tell me you were having sex? And with your best friends boyfriend?" She turns around hand on hip.

I look down, "Mommy, I know it's wrong and I feel horrible but-"

My mother gives me a look like she's telling me to: shut the hell up.

"There should be no 'buts' in this situation!" She yells. "I can't believe your this pathetic! Thats your 'bestfriends' boyfriend, do I need to clarify that for you! Are you aware that what you're doing is what sluts do? Do you kno-"

"Oh is this the same speech daddy gave you when you cheated on him with CHRIS?!" I scream at her.

She comes closer to me, "Oh you better watch your mouth little girl or I will give you a motivational ass whipping! I'm a grown woman! I do as I please when I feel like it! You don't know what you're doing or why you're doing it but, mark my words, you'll regret this all later. Now get out of my face!" She screams at me.

I run up to my room and slam the door as I walk in.

I groan, "Oh yeah, somebodys about to be a slut," I say as I grab my phone texting the biggest gossip girl in the school, "And its not gunna be me."

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