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Earlier today, Michael showed me all around the house and may I say. It is absolutely lovely. The decor is just unbelievable.

Currently, I'm in my room, or the room I'll be sleeping in for the few months ahead of me.

I'm preparing for a shower when there's a knock on thr bedroom door.

I low-key frown, "Um, come in?" I say more as a question.

The door open and Michael walks in with a small smile on his face.

"Um," he clears his throat stuffing his hands in his pockets, "I uh just came up to see if you were enjoying everything so far."

I smile, "Yeah. Everythings so beautiful here. The decor is amazing by the way." I tell him.

He giggles, and oh does it sound heavenly, "Well thanks. I decorated this place with some help from Dunk and Mother. Are you hungry?" He says.

I shrug, "Yeah, I was gunna shower before I got something though." I tell him.

"Oh, okay. I'll tell Susan to keep your plate warm." He says before walking out closing my door softly behind him.

I proceed to the shower. I stood under the steaming hot water.

I sing softly to myself as I wash my body. After a few more minutes of cleaning and singing, I get out of the shower.

I dry off and put on some lotion, deodorant and undergarments. I put on some black shorts and a purple wife beater.

I slipped on some green socks. Walking out of my room I close the door behind me.

I walk down the staircase and into the huge dining room. I see a plate of food on the table.

I literally run to the food and sit down praying before digging in.

I silently thank God for the food before me. As I'm eating some of my Chicken Alfredo I hear footsteps coming in my direction.

I continue to eat because right now, my food has my undivided attention.

I hear a soft giggle, "I see your enjoying your meal Miss Tucker." I hear a soft female voice say.

I turn to look at whose standing at the doorway. I smile seeing a short, chubby lady. She seems to be in her early 40s. Her brown skin glows in the light of the room. She is absolutely stunning. Natural beauty.

I smile, "Yes, I am. It is delicious. You must be Susan?" I ask her.

She nods, "That's correct! How'd you know?"

I laugh a little, "Michael told me. You're very pretty, I love your hair," I tell her.

She smiles, "Thank you. You're very beautiful yourself. I'll leave you to your meal. Enjoy," she walks out.

I continue to eat my meal. After a few minutes I'm done and Susan walks in grabbing my plate.

I thank her and walk towards the staircase to retreat to my room. On my way there I pass Michael's room seeing he's not in there; I enter.

I walk in and gasp seeing how elegant it is. I also hear the shower running.

So that's where he's at? I think continuing to look around.

One thing I really want to see is the Thriller jacket. I rush to his closet opening the doors. I see a rack or jackets.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp seeing all of the items and different colors.

I go over to the coat rack and look through it. I instantly grab for the Thriller jacket. However, as soon as I reach to get it I hear someone clear their throat from behind me.

Oh my fucking God. Michael Jackson just caught me snooping around in his fuckin' room! I think turning around slowly with a small innocent smile.

He has a hand on his hip with one eyebrows arched. "Are you really snooping around in my closet?" He asks.

"Uh no, I mean yeah! I just wanted to uh," I stutter taking in his appearance. His curly locks stop shoulder length; water dripping from the ends. He only has a towel around his waist.

He is looking like a snack. I think.

My thoughts are interrupted by Michael clearing his throat. I look up frantically.

"Mmmhmm," I clear my throat, shaking my head, "I mean huh?" I say.

"You were staring, but what are you doing in my closet?" He asks curiously.

I try to find my words, "I-I wanted to see the Thriller jacket." I say finally.

He arches his eyebrow once again, "Why didn't you just ask?"

I give him a look, "So you wanted me to walk in on you, probably butt naked, and ask to see your Thriller jacket?" I ask him.

He mumbles something that's inaudible making my face scrunch up.

"What did ya say?" I ask him, confused.

"Nothing, so about the jacket." He walks over to it and takes it off of the hanger; handing it over to me. "Try it on." He urges me.

My eyes go wide, "A-Are you serious?!" I ask happily.

He nods slowly, "Unless you don't want to-"

"NO! I mean no. Just hand it to me!" I exclaim making him chuckle.

He hands me the jacket and I put it on. He looks over me intently: biting his bottom lip.

I look up into his eyes, "What?" I ask him. "Does it look bad on me?"

"No not at all. You actually look better than me...in my own jacket," he says taking a step closer to me.

I look up into his eyes smiling,  "I could never look better in this jacket than you." I whisper.

He laughs: a very sweet laugh. "Welp, you're doing it right now." He says.

"Now I think I'm gonna go to bed." I tell him.

He nods, "Yeah, you can keep the jacket in your room. If you want to?" He says.

I smile brightly, "Okay. Goodnight Michael." I say happily walking out of his room.


I watch as she walks out of my room, "Goodnight beautiful." I say softly.

My Daddy's Bestfriend (Michael Jackson Fan fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum