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"This assignment is meant for me to get to know you."

Ms. Wright started to hand out the assignment details. The packets stuck together like glue. She slowly wet her fingers and peeled them apart. Every student reached for the paper as she stopped next to their desk, careful not to touch the saliva permanently scored into the corner.

Tessa clenched her hands into fists. She could almost feel the microbes reaching out to grab her. She glanced around the room, the air constricting and choking her. Ms. Wright kept talking. Nobody noticed.

Her eyes settled on Orion. His hands dug into his hair.

"You will be required to write a seven to ten page report on a book that has influenced your life." There was a low groan from most of the students. Quickly silenced, Ms. Wright kept talking. The sound became like grating chalk to Tessa's ears. She started tapping out a rhythm. "I am, however, allowing you to choose partners if you want. I expect no shenanigans. If you decide to partner with someone, you will have to agree on the same book. If you start late, it will reflect on your grade. Project is due in a month."

By the end of her lecture, she had reached the back of the classroom. Directly in front of Tessa's seat. Ms. Wright separated the extra packets and passed one to Tessa.

It stayed in her hand.

One second.

Five seconds.

Twenty seconds.

A minute passed, and she couldn't take the paper. She felt anxious, being that close to another person. The germs crawled towards her hands, and she traced a quick sketch onto the engraved desk.

The packet dropped on her desk, the noise making the other students turn their attention to Tessa and the teacher. She looked at Orion's reaction.

His eyes were wide and sympathetic. Yet they were starting to colour red again. She looked up at the teacher and found her to be shaking her head in a disapproving gesture. Ms. Wright didn't understand. Tessa sighed inwardly, because no one understood.

She just didn't know how to tell them.

Everyone seemed to have moved on. They were scrambling to find partners, or some preferring to stay alone. They all avoided her.

Tessa tried to understand.

Especially when she saw that they avoided Orion too. She focused on his shoes as he made his way over to her. The rhythm became faster. She couldn't have a panic attack. Not today.

His voice was quiet yet excited. "Partners?"


A/N: I'm not happy with this, so I might change it later on.


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