Chapter 7

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"Sky, what is it?" Bloom asked, concerned. "Bloom," he started, but he didn't look at her. "I know this is gonna sound crazy, but you have to believe me." Bloom started to worry. "Four years ago, I was sent on a mission, from a school called Red Fountain, to earth to protect the Princess of the frozen planet, Domino, in which she happened to be a fairy. I was sent to protect her from any harm. I was given this list of what to do and what not to do." Sky took out the list that he'd been holding on to since the day he got to earth. He handed it to Bloom. He continued. "It said to protect the Princess, tell her the truth when I think it is time, and not to ever fall in love. Well Bloom, you are that Princess, the Princess of Domino, and my Princess. I was told to never fall in love, but you stole my heart anyway. And now I'm telling you the truth. This is the truth, Bloom. But there's still more to it."

Bloom clutched her fists, angered. "Sky, why did you decide to marry me? Because you love me? Or because I'm a princess? Or because of that stupid mission?"

"Bloom, I love you with all my heart, and I could never bare to see you get hurt. I love you." Sky pleaded.

"Then tell me," Bloom began. "Why did you wait till now to tell me the truth?"

"Because I thought it was time to come clean, especially on our wedding day. I wanted our marriage to be truthful, not full if lies. Also, if I didn't tell you today, we could be in more danger than we are already in!"

"And why is that?"

"Because your PREGNANT!!

"I'm pregnant?" Bloom looked down at her stomach and began to whimper.

Sky was sorry. He hadn't meant to tell her like that. He sat her down on the bed and looked her in the eyes.

"Bloom, I'm sorry I said it that way. Yes you are pregnant. In fact, 2 months and a half months pregnant. With twins. I'm sorry I never told you. I've known for the passed 2 weeks. I wanted to tell you today, when I came clean."

Bloom looked like she was about to pass out. She was already weak from the pregnancy, but now she looked worser than ever. "Twins? Inside of me? Two months?" she barely managed to get the words out. It was so sudden that she had found all this out.

"Yes, Bloom." Sky answered. He felt so bad, but relieved to tell her the truth, although it meant watching her in pain.

Bloom groaned, rubbing her stomach in pain, and the twins kicking at her. She could barely speak, for she was speechless due to pain, and to the hard reality. She felt so weak.

"Sky?" she said, barely managing to get that out, with pain poking at her. She held her stomach, Sky rubbing it.

"Yes, Bloom?"

"How am I going to get through this? It's so much pain! And then twins? That's amazing! But then it's hard to believe it's already been two months I've been pregnant and I was stupid enough not to notice it. And then, Sky, what were you saying about being into more danger now?"

Sky looked at her, but quickly looked away. "Bloom," he started. "Before you were pregnant, since you had never used your magic before, none of the trix, or any other villains, could find you, especially since we are on earth. This mission was to keep you here on earth and protect you, so they could never find you." Bloom was breathing hard and heavily and he spoke, for it was hard for her to breathe normally. "But," Sky continued. "Now that you're pregnant, you're carrying 2 magical beings, which makes it way easier for them find you. And since earth is not filled with magical beings to protect you like magix is, well, we have to go to magix after the after party to get you protected. We will be going to the Alfea collage for fairies, with my best bud, Brandon, and his gf, Stella, and once we get there, the head mistress Faragonda will know what to do next."

"But Sky, why do they want me, and what do they want to do to me?" Bloom asked, nauseous.

"Bloom, you are the strongest fairy alive. You have the sacred power of the Dragon Flame, straight from the great dragon itself, which is the creator of the whole magical dimension. They want your power. They want to steal it from you, and kill you. And since you're pregnant, 2 children of the dragon flame would give them even more power, and they could use the twins as a power source."

"Are you saying a bunch of evil people are trying to kill me and my babies?"

"Pretty much"

Bloom fainted right then.

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