Soccer practice

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"Me and my mum were on our way back from the ice cream shop, it took my all day to beg her to take me as she knew my father would be mad when he found out but she just wanted me to be happy, anyway we were walking down the street eating our ice cream and talking about soccer and how I was gonna be a professional when I grow up. We finally arrived back at our house, and I had the hugest grin on my face but not for long. We opened the door only to be knocked down the floor with the familiar stinging feeling across my face. However I was used to it by now after all I was 10 so after 10 years of being hit your get used to it. Anyway I stood back up only to be pulled back by my father as he held a knife to my stomach. My whole body froze. I looked up at my mum dear evident in both our eyes as well knew one of us what going to get hurt badly. Anyway my dad tossed my mum another huge knife and she picked it up, he then told her too calve the word slut into her stomach. When she refused I felt, the most unbearable pain seer through my stomach, I then look down to realise dad has slashed me with the knife, blood was spilling out into a puddle on the floor. "Do it!! Or I will slice her again " my dad spat out while my mum began carving the word into her skin, I tried to look away but he forced me to what the horrific sight in front of me. He then told her to slit her throat.. my breathes hitched in my throat as I saw her lifeless body drop the floor. " it's your fault this happen Caitlin you should of never let her take you it's all your FAULT!!! "
I shot up out of bed hearing my fathers voice play over in my head from six years ago. Was it my fault ? If she had never of taken me out she would still be alive. Then I noticed the sweat dripping down my face and arms onto my pillow. I sighed and snuck into the bathroom to take a shower hoping not to wake my father up. I let the hot water sooth the muscles in my body from dad nesting and the fight I had in the ring the night before. Once I got out I stood in front of the mirror and sighed even more. My body wasn't even skin anymore, all you could see was black and blue, except the ugly, thick, white line that when form my left hip to my right rib at the top of my stomach. Even time I see it or touch it brings back memories of that night and how it was my fault. The nightmares are the worst though, because I just keep reliving everything in my head over and over again. Once I had finished examining my body, I but on my jogging bottoms and a oversized hoodie, while packing my soccer bag for practice after school, I also packed my fighting bag as after soccer I had a fight at the ring.
I grabbed and spoke and was just about to walk out the door when my dad spoke from the top of the stairs. " and where do you think your going " he said in his usually aggressive tone. " I'm going to school, I'll be back late as I have detention." I lied. If he knew about soccer and streetfighting then he would stop me going and they are the only thing keeping my sane at the moment. I was just about to turn around when I felt a punch to the hit and heard a snap. That when I felt to the floor and groaned in agony as I realised he had just broken my rib. " that for getting detention you worthless slut " he spat before going back upstairs to bed. I pushed my self up wincing as I walked out to my car and threw my bags in the passenger seat.
School was boring as usually until it was finally time for soccer practise.
I put my shin bags on and changed into my shots but kept my hoodie on as my arms and stomach was where the bruising was. I was about to run onto the field to join my team mates, but stumbled over in pain as I clutched my rib. For fuck sake now he is even ruining soccer. I sighed before trying to get up when I felt an hand grows my wrist. Out of habit from fighting I turned around about to punch the in face until I saw it was my friend Lucy. I know I said I don't have friends, and I don't but she was the only person I actually liked and we got along well. She was also an amazing goal keeper. " you alright?" She asked her voice and eyes laced with concern as she eyed my hand holding my rib. As to not cause anymore suspicion I shrug her off my while mumbling to her that I was fine. We played a match and the team I was on won 7-2 with me scoring six of the goals. While we were playing I kept noticing this woman, she looked like a coach, staring at me playing I shrugged it off and was about to leave for my fight when she pulled me over. I sighed before looking at her face and recognising it was Jill who was the coach for the uswnt! My breathe hitched in my throat at the thought of her even talking to me, my mouth wide open in shock. " hello Caitlin I want you to join the uswnt team on a tournament ". I stared at her shocked that she thought I was good enough. I then composed my self and replied " sure I'd love too" while secretly mumbling that it would get me away from my dad for a few weeks but I thinks he heard me because she said " what about your dad ? " I just told her nothing and climbed into my car. She gave me her number and details to tell me when to be at the hotel to meet the rest of her team mates tomorrow. Then I pulled out of the field and started driving to my fight.
I hoped you enjoyed the second chapter and that it was long enough

The street fighting soccer star Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora