Loki replied with such a fiery snippet of bitterness that it seemed to surprise even himself,"Why the fuck would you do that to yourself?" He asked in disgust.

"What?" Tony flinched on reflex.

Loki's confident body language collapsed instantaneously as he closed in again. He physically curls into himself, tucking his legs to his chest and looking vulnerably small. His voice turned soft, "sorry, I just meant why on earth would you.. uh feel that way about me?"

"I just said.. shit Loki, you're- you're brilliant. I love you cause you have the most endearing personality of anyone I've ever met and you're witty and honest and sarcastic and you're playful and confident and kinda snarky and mean but I love that about you too. I love that you wear odd socks and little braids in your hair and that you step on dry leaves and kick pebbles and fall asleep on my shoulder and roll your eyes at me and smirk when I do something dumb I just everything, everything about you Loki, I love it all and I'm sorry if I was an asshole about it and I'm sorry I kissed you when I shouldn't of and I'm sorry I don't know how to express things better and oh my gosh I'm so sorry for ranting your ears off just now. But please, if you'd just give me an actual chance.."

Loki stared at him sickeningly silent, blank of emotion. A wall of ice would be easier to get a grip on than his emotion at the moment. "I... I.. wait,, you?.." he trails off in a stunned tone. His eyes turn murky and watery with glassy tears. He was persistently avoiding Tony's eye contact like the plague. "Um that's I uh.." he's blushing now, a delicate pink flushing across his cheeks. He blinks, eyelids moving in small flutters. "Well I forgive you and I um I suppose I just never thought... anyone would genuinely like me like that and you with your.. reputation, I suppose... I just assumed, convinced myself that.. you know." By now, little tears had rolled themselves watery lines down Loki's cheeks. Tony didn't want to think of why Loki could possibly be able to cry so silently.

It hurt deep in his chest to see Loki upset, without a second thought he was sitting beside him and hugging him tightly.

"Please don't cry, I really don't know how to handle that plus you're gonna get my shirt wet."

Loki half sobbed, half laughed and buried his face against Tony's shoulder.

"No? Okay, looks like the shirts a lost cause then."

Loki didn't reply but Tony was certain he could feel him smile. Tony moved from rubbing circles against Loki's back to carefully playing with the soft strands of void-like black hair hanging around his shoulders.

"I uh I wanna be with you long term Loki. I'm sorry you thought otherwise." Tony spoke softly in their close proximity, "If you'll let me that is. If you'll stop pushing me away and if you stop giving me opportunities to keep fucking this up." Tony smiles softly, "Cause I really value uh being with you and I well, I don't want to give that up for the world."

"I might just consider that if you stop being such a pushy, obnoxious fuckboy." Loki mutters, half bitterly.

Tony can't help but to give a short laugh, "Honestly, I think that's actually ingrained in my personality."

Loki pulled away and tries to glare at him. His eyes were glassy and red from crying. Tony's heart seized up at the sight, completely captured the man in front of him.

"I'll try though. Just for you princess," Tony promises as sincerely as he can manage. Still, he easily shifted into a playful mood, "I don't know who I'll be without those traits though, that's pretty much my whole personality out the window."

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