(Requested) Male Evil Otsutsuki Reader x Fem Naruto x Harem

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Because I am going to kill you... Brutally...

I said as I snapped his neck and then drop him as I then raised my feet to the air and smashed his head to a mush with one move... everyone around me then started to gave off some aggressive behavior as I look around as I smile much more... psychopath

Y/N: I will enjoy drink some of your bloods and store it as my personal drink...

I said as I then smashed the ground with my fist as everyone near me of 10 feet away went flying to the air as I then used lightning and electrocute them as the electricity past each of their bodies as the power I released is too much to be handled by them...

Y/N: HAHAHA!!! How I am glad to remember this feeling ever since I killed most of my clan... Hahaha!!!

???: Stop right there!

I stopped and a bit disappointment for someone interrupting my fun, I look to my right and saw 5 persons as the other is with them began ordering this people to retreat or get out of here...

Y/N: You 5... Interrupt my fun...

???: By killing them!

???: Tsunade we-

Tsunade: No! I have enough of this! The war is over! Why is it that those words won't get in your thick skull!

I am a bit.... amazed but still angry by her disrespecting me...

Y/N: Shall I know the names of you 5?

Onoki: Onoki, Tsuchikage of Iwagakure

A: A, Raikage of Kumogakure

Gaara: Gaara, Kazekage of Sunagakure

Mei: Mei, Mizukage of Kirigakure

Tsunade: Tsunade, Hokage of Konohagakure

I stayed silent and tried to understand their rank... as I smile...a fake smile...

Y/N: You 5 must be the ones I heard as the Kages... I am so glad to finally meet you 5 but mostly to the Mizukage and the Hokage....

Onoki: Kages! It looks like another challenge for us to finish with...

Y/N: I may...


I killed the 3 of 5 kages as I let the other two lived... They sparked my interest on them and that reason will be their abilities... A perfect candidates to be my servants...

Y/N: *Smirk* You should have known that your defeat will be the last thing you'll retaliate against me...

I then carried the two woman on my shoulders as I sprint towards a place where it has many chakras...

Y/N: Weird... I felt two strong beings... This will be fun...

I thought as I continue sprinting until I jumped high in the air as I then began descending and then landing on the ground with a powerful shockwave spread around me, I dropped the two unconscious kages and at the same time, I saw a group oh shinobis coming out of some sort of portal...

???: Granny!

???: Who are you?! What did you do to Hokage and Mizukage-sama?!

Y/N: *Sniff* Ahhhh... So, you two has the power of the gods?

Female Various x Male Reader Vol.1 (Revived)Where stories live. Discover now