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Sean's POV.

So.. well it's been a year, since the accident at the camp. Kenneth recovered from his burns. But he won't tell me who helped him. I know I knew the person and that I helped them after but I forgot who it was. It's like i knew who it was, but didn't. So close to knowing who it was, but yet so far away. I don't know what's up with me for the past year. It feels like a chunk of my memory just got taken away. I hate it.

Right now we're walking along the road when I spot a wooden box half under the ground and the other sticking out. I run up to it and take it out of the ground.

"Hey Kenneth come look at this!" I shout to Kenneth while I wipe the dirt off the box. "What's that?" He asks and I shrug. " I don't know." I say staring at the box. "Well open it" He says to me and I hesitate but I put my hand on it about to open it.

Then, I pull. But it won't open. I try to pull it open but it won't work. Kenneth looks at me and I shrug. "Ah your so weak" Kenneth says to me while grabbing it out of my hands. Then the box electrifies and he drops it.

"What on earth was that?!" Kenneth shouts and I pick up the box and it does nothing. I hand the box back to him and it does it again. "What the.. it's like it doesn't want you to touch it." I say and he rolls his eyes. I grab the box and put it in my bag. Then Kenneth gives me a weird stare.

"What? Just wanna keep it. It might me something cool" I tell him and he chuckles and starts running. "HEY WAIT UP!" I shout at him while laughing. I catch up to him and we both stop.

Then we hear a noise behind us. We see a couple vans speeding up towards us. We look at each other then run. We run and run but they got the luck. Vans surrounded us and people with guns vans out.

"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM! AND KNEEL DOWN ON THE FLOOR NOW OR ILL SHOOT!" One of them scream and Kenneth and I do exactly what they say.

They put a bag over Kenneth's head then mine. Then I feel a pain in my head for a split second and everything goes black.

What the..... sos for the short chapters. I just don't know how to continue this part without making it like the longest thing on earth.

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