Chapter I

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That's all she felt. From her head all the way down to the tips of her toes. Each contraction worst than the last. She was screaming as the pain was almost to much to handle.

She felt as though something was wrong. No, she knew something was wrong.

She turned her head to look at the man beside her. His face was lit with the fake smile he seemed to put on for everyone. Attempting to hide the buzz he was feeling from the vodka he had drank only a few minutes before. He was wiping the sweat off of her head with a rag that, to her, smelt only of alcohol. It made her sick to her stomach. She looked down at her midwife with love and affection, her midwife looked back at her secret lover with the same love and admiration. They had planned to run away together after the baby was born seeing as though the father is unfit to be a parent.

The storm just outside was so bad it had caused a city wide power outage. The lightning crackled against the sky, a faint light shining through the partially open curtains. The rain was tapping on the windows, sounding like pebbles being thrown, one after another. Like you would see in those sappy romance movies.
Candles were the only source of light apart from the faint light of the lightning bolts outside.

Sweet relief
The rain picked up now sounding like full rocks being thrown at the windows. The lightning seemed to have gotten closer as it turned from a faint light to an explosion of light from each lightning bolt.
Boom after boom from the storm. Scream after scream from the woman in labor. It seemed almost as though they were in sync. Harmonizing with each other.
Contraction after contraction. The poor woman's screams of pain and agony filled the room.
"I'm gonna need you to start pushing"
She pushed
"Keep going"
She pushed again
And again and again.
Screaming and grunting with each push.
A shrill scream hit the air.
Her baby.

Blood. Blood, it just wouldn't stop coming. She was bleeding out. Something told her that she was gonna die. Mothers intuition maybe. She couldn't feel anything or hear anything other than her heart beat and a slight ringing in her ear. She didn't her her midwife tell her to stop pushing, nor did she see the man she called a "husband" cut the newborns umbilical cord. All she could think about was how she was never gonna see her child grow up. How she was gonna leave her child with that man who was supposedly be a father. She felt the tears rolling down her face.

Last word.
Her heart stopped.

Whew, I hope y'all are proud cause that took a lot out of me.
(P.s. I changed her name to make more sense in the story)

Flower// Richie Tozier // IT 2017 (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now