Ch.17 Before His Eyes

Start from the beginning

"You did what you could, Mister Black. It is impressive that you could hold him in this world as long as you did with all of the old wounds that we discovered. I am sorry for your loss." The Healer bowed his head before returning to his two colleagues who had conjured a white sheet over the body. Caelum slid his eyes over to Melania and Lucretia who were holding hands and looked deathly pale. His legs involuntary took him closer.

"Grandmother..." This should have been easy. He had said these words so many times that he should know how to begin. So many friends and dear ones had died before his eyes that this had become routine. But perhaps he had lost touch with that part of himself as he now found himself floundering for words that would not come. Was it because they had been of same blood that he felt like this?

"Oh, dear..." Melania let out a sob and threw herself forward into Caelum's arms. He stiffened under the unfamiliar touch but quickly forced away the feeling of phantom fingers ghosting over his back and wrapped his arms around the now quietly crying woman. He had nearly forgotten she was a MacMillan and did not naturally possess the Black disposition that Lucretia was presenting at the moment. The younger woman's lips were drawn in a tight line and the paleness had not vanished but she was not crying, and she was not going to break down in front of an audience.

"Lucretia, can you please take Melania to Aunt Cassiopeia?" He locked eyes with her and held onto her shock, letting it dissipate through some pretty advanced Legilimency while at the same time picking up on Cassiopeia's location. When she nodded he handed over the crying woman, summoned a fork to be used as a Portkey. "I will come as soon as I can." The fork glowed blue and five seconds later the two women had been whisked away.

The present caught up to Caelum and he looked around noting that only the Malfoys and Severus seemed to have noticed his illegal, wandless Portkey creation. The Healers were all hunched together in a silent debate. He did not know who to address first but figured his next action might involve some deep breaths. He was again in some seriously deep shit and Zahra and Harry were expecting him back in a couple of hours. With the way matters stood, it would be a wonder if he managed to get back to France in a couple of days.

He conjured some parchment and a quill and scribbled a note for his two wards. "Kreatcher."

The ancient house elf popped in. It was clear he wanted to say something but one look from Caelum sent him away, the note clutched in his hand. Then the man turned to the others present.

"Lucius, I am terribly sorry that this had to occur under your roof. Be assured that it does in no way affect how I view you and your family." He did not think the Malfoys had caused the heart failure. One just never could be sure about these things. "I also have to admit my own ignorance in such matters as..." He searched for the right word. "Passing of a relative." He knew Arcturus would be buried in the private Black graveyard. It was on the Black Manor grounds in Wales. So his next step should involve taking Arcturus to the Manor.

"Mister Black? It is common procedure for the Healers to take custody of the body until the final cause of death can be specified, especially when the death of a wizard is sudden. May we prepare the body for transport?"

Ah, that took care of that. His nod had the Healers moving and they quickly had the body levitating between them and with a flash of a Portkey they were whisked away to St. Mungos. He expelled the breath he had been holding and then turned to stare meaningfully at Severus knowing Lucius would pick up on his supposed confusion.

"Pardon my manners," the blond man hastened to say while Narcissa slipped out of the room, probably to check up on Draco. It was a small positive thing but the young boy had not been present. "This is Severus Snape, Potions Master and the Head of Slytherin House at Hogwarts. Severus, this is Caelum Black, the Head of the Black Family."

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