Please don't think that I wanted to. It's just that I had to.

My father found out about us and he was really mad.

I felt so afraid, Dabin. I'm afraid of the things he would do to us, specially you, if I chose to stay.

I don't want him to ruin your life because of me.

I know you're thinking I'm the one ruining your life now, but please don't think that way.

I love you. I love you more than anything or anyone else, that's why I want to protect you.

I might already be on-board by the time you're reading this letter, sleepy head.

I'm sorry for not waking you up. I could not bear to see you cry if I bid goodbye in person.

Please don't forget about me.

Continue to live a happy life with our girls. Don't do anything to harm yourself.

Live, Dabin. Not just for me, but for yourself too.

Thank you for taking care of me, and for giving me so much love. And that I will carry with me at always.

I love you so much, Dabin.

I always will.

Until then,
Your Nancy

JooE patted my back as I my tears kept on flowing

"I'm sorry, unnie. I couldn't do anything either. But she told me she will be back, when the right time comes"

"What time is her departure?" I asked with anger evident on my voice

I'm not mad at Nancy, but on the situation


"What time will her flight take off?"

"S-she said at 9:30am" JooE seemed nervous

I looked at the time and it's only 7:25

"She thinks I sleep that much?!"

"Y-you do, unnie" mumbled JooE

I stood up and walked out of the room

"Unnie, where are you going?!"

Hyebin, Daisy and Ahin are at the hallway

"Hey, where are you going?" asked Hyebin

"I'm going to get my girl back" I said while walking

"That's my baby. I'm a proud mama. Let me go with you" said Hyebin with full of enthusiasm

"We'll go with you too, unnie" said Daisy and Ahin

"Hey! Don't leave me here" shouted JooE who also tagged along

I borrowed my dad's car and drove to the airport

The traffic didn't help as it was moderate to heavy

I looked at the time, it's 8:13

I'm getting frustrated

They most likely checked in already. But at least Nancy is still there

I still have hopes

The light turned green and I drove as fast as I could

I took the shortest route possible

"U-unnie, I know we're in a hurry, but please be careful. I still have plans for the future" said Ahin who is obviously getting scared

"I know what I'm doing"

We reached the airport at 8:28

"Ms Lee, you're here" said one of the guards who recognized me

They know me because my mother is the Vice President of the Human Resources and People Operations in the airport

"Yes, I need to see someone in there"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Lee. But you know the rules. We can't let you in unless you have a scheduled flight"

"You don't understand. I badly need to see this person"

"I'm really sorry, Ms Lee. I would let you in if it's just me. But my hands are tied. I'm just following orders"

"Ugh!" I groaned in frustration

I took my phone and dialled my mom's number


"Honey. You called"

"I'm at the airport. I need to see someone. They won't let me in. I-I need your help" my voice starts to crack

"Baby, you know we have rules"

"I know mom, I know. But I can't afford to lose her"

"Oh my God! Is it Nancy?"

"Yes, Mom. Her father fetched her earlier. And she's leaving"

"Dabin! Did you two have a fight?"

"No! No we didn't. I'll explain everything later. But please let me in.. Please?"

"Alright.Wait for me"

"God! Thanks, mom!"

The guards let us in as soon as my mother arrived

I hugged her and thanked her before running to the passenger area


Nancy's POV

"Wipe those tears. I don't want to see or hear you crying" Dad said with an angry tone

"Richard, stop scolding the kid. There are other people around us" said Mom, who is starting to get pissed off by the way my father acts

We're about to enter the departure sector when I heard Yeonwoo's voice


"Oh my. Is that Yeonwoo?" asked Brenda unnie looking at the person approaching "She's gorgeous" she whispered

It's indeed Yeonwoo

"Da-.. U-unnie"

"Nancy.." she said almost out of breath

My dad held my wrist and dragged me to the departure sector "We've already talked about this, young lady. Get in!"

"Richard! She's hurting! Stop making a scene!" mom couldn't help but worry

"Nancy!" yelled Yeonwoo

I looked back at her while I'm being dragged with tears in my eyes "I'm sorry" I muttered

"Nancy!!!!" she cried out

An unbearable pain struck my chest as I heard Yeonwoo shouting my name

God knows how much I want to disappear from where I am right now

And just suddenly appear at Yeonwoo's side

If only I could




Onions are all over the place

I'm literally crying while writing this story


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