Sexy Beast {CONTEST}

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Before his vision fades, he could feel the movement to the car like someone is trying to rip the door out. The sound of the door unleashing from the car. Then it was pitched black, since he lost the huge amount of blood.

Thirty Eight Minute Later

Josh woke up, it was blurry at first, so it took a while for it remain normal. And the next thing Josh knew, that he was in the backseat someone else's car. The smell of a brand new car with nice tan leather coated seats. He looks at the rear view mirror and he sees the steady ocean eyes and blond hair.

Josh croaked quietly, "Who the hell are you?" 

"Don't worry, I'm taking you to the hostipal, you were in a car accident," the blonde man told him in a low aussie accent.

Josh slowly nods and he closed his eyes since he was tired. After an one and half dreaded hours, Josh wakes up. He noticed he was on the cold floor. It wasn't the hospital, not like what the man with aussie accent, promised that he would take him there before Josh dosed off to sleep.

He tried to move and he heard clank and felt something on his wrist. It was handcuffs with dark red marks on it. One thought hit Josh immediately that he was kidnapped. He frozed for a wire a long time and he got goosebumps spreading all over his bare skin. He's not wearing his clothes, just his boxer shorts only.

Josh explored the dark gray airy walls, stained chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling creating a mark of fear in Josh's head. There's a power saw on top of the operating table, and on the floor is the pool of red goo which it seems like they're blood.

Josh trembles and rocks back and forth in despair. A sound of the door creak has been heard. He lifts his head as consternation quickly hits him. He see's bulky silhouette of the man and the man walks towards the light, revealing himself.

A smirk grows on the man, it was the same man with the aussie voice when they were in the car.

"You lied you son of a bitch!" Josh yelled and later he bellowed in pain. He looked down at his torso, and he sees blood on his abdomen above his waistline of his boxer shorts.

Blood rushing out out of his cold skin like a lazy river. Josh pants and looks up and sees him holding a gun with a silencer. "Why won't you hush that pretty mouth of yours?" The man spoke in aussie accent.

Josh sheepishly lowers his head and grasps his abdomen. He quietly prays for mercy before he die in vain. The man looked at Josh, and he quivered his lips down. "I'm sorry pal, did I go too rough with you, without introducing myself? If that's the case, my name is Duke and we're going to have a wild adventure, Josh Habeeb."

Josh looked up in alert, how does he know my name? He thought. Oh right Mr. Snooping got my pants with my wallet in it..

Before Josh get to say anything, Duke walked out of the basement. Josh sees the vault door on Duke's exit. Unsure where he is at the moment.

In The Dorm

A 17 year old boy with gleaming blue eyes, strong structured jaw, and light brown hair, name Kevin. He's Josh's best friend and sometimes at their college, their were rumors that both Josh and Kevin were gay. It still remains unknown.

Where is Josh? He said he was on his way, he pondered. He decided to go outside and wait for him. He put his surprise from a value customer from work in his jacket pocket. He went out he building.

He sees the cleaning supplies next to the gray and silver mixed combo avalanche truck. The door was open and there was no one around. 

He was eagered to see but he knew it was wrong. So he didn't decide to see inside the truck. So he turned around to walk back in. And he walked into a big figure.

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