Day Twelve - Friday

Depuis le début

Minhyuk stays quiet as his boyfriend hands him a towel to dry himself. His cheeks are getting red, giving Hyungwon the answer he already expected and making him smile.

"Do you eat breakfast? I usually don't but if you do..."

Minhyuk shakes his head while running his fingers through the wet hair.

"No, it's okay. I usually don't eat breakfast either."

He mumbles as he keeps on drying himself and staring down at his now completely soaked underwear.

"Hyungwon...would you mind giving me a pair of boxers?"


The tall boy walks towards his closet, picking up a pair of boxers and handing them Minhyuk.

"Would you mind giving me a shirt, too?"

"You have a shirt though.."

"But I want to wear yours."

Hyungwon blushes slightly and picks up his favourite shirt, giving Minhyuk an awkward smile while dressing him up.

"I could have done that myself."

"But I wanted to do it for you."

They whisper against each others lips before putting them together in a soft kiss. Hyungwon pulls Minhyuk closer, his fingers running through the latter's hair.

"I love you.."

He mumbles and interrupts their kiss to look up at his boyfriend. His heartbeat is increasing quickly, thumping loudly against his chest.


Minhyuk can't even grasp what just happened. He takes a step back, staring confused at the boy in front of him.


He repeats himself, his voice shaking. Hyungwon's shoulders shrink. He didn't expect such a reluctant reaction.

"N-nevermind. Forget it. I just-"

He bites his lips and tries to pass Minhyuk when the latter holds him back.

"Say it again.."

Hyungwon turns around, facing Minhyuk and now realising that he had tears in his eyes.

"Minhyuk what-"


His voice breaks and Hyungwon's more than shocked from the impact of his sudden confession.

"I love you."

He says again and hugs Minhyuk.

"I really love you..."

"I love you, too."

They hold each other close, Hyungwon's hand caressing Minhyuk's back.

"Didn't I say that yesterday, too? Why are you so shocked Min? Why are you crying? Please don't cry..."

He shrugs his shoulders and lets out a laugh.

"I thought you only said it because of the emotional state you were in. I didn't expect you to say it again.."

"You didn't think I'd actually love you?"

"No, I just didn't think that you would tell me."

His lips search for Hyungwon's, brushing them and then kissing his cheek.

"We really have to go now..."

Minhyuk nods and puts their lips together.


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