Chapter 40

402 32 15

Alchemy: Tiny Steps


D/C: I own nothing.


"English and Edward's accented voice."

"Amestrian, Xingese, foreign languages, or to add emphasize."

Written notes or to add extra emphasize



Edward watched his students exit out of the train, all of them sleepy-eyed and in danger of tripping over their feet. The older ones were helping the younger ones, either by taking hold of their arms or carrying him like he, William and Kingsley are doing. With a grunt, Edward fixed his coat while making sure the first year he was carrying doesn't fall over. It was still dark and not that many people were around to wonder what they were seeing.


Edward face' scrunched up at the mention of his former/current moniker, he looked over to see Mustang and his Mustang Unit waiting for them. Despite his usual way of dealing with them seemed to die down when Roy motioned for everyone to head towards the exit. First dealing with the well being of his students then mock the General later... once Captain Hawkeye is nowhere in sight. "I got word the barracks are being rebuilt. Where are we going to stay?"

"Major General Armstrong and Major Armstrong offered their home. They already set everything for everyone."

"The General is here?"

"No... thank Truth."


Edward and Roy sat in front of a bus that was being used to transport the Hogwarts Students to the Armstrong Mansion. The two of them whispered to each other as many of the occupants on the bus were snoozing away.

"We've been going non-stop since, Xerxes. Nearly got stuck in a sandstorm but we managed to reach the border before it hit... Since then, we had to take a longer route due to those nationalistic bigots."

"Amestrian Cultist Sect. Amestrian nationalist that went up on a high when I petitioned for everyone that has Ishvalan Blood has all their rights returned to them and abolished Wrath's Presidential Decree #306. We... we were late for many to release former soldiers but many are still alive and were given compensation, provided care and offers for them to return to the Military. Many preferred to leave and return to their families..."

"Let me guess... dead?"

"More than half of them have no one waiting for them, I did manage to help one of them reunite with his daughter. The highlight of my career. However, since this has been occurring, the ACS(Amestrian Cultist Sect.) have been targeting them and has not been making the thing any easier for anyone."

"Typical. They don't like State Alchemist either if they don't meet up with their standards."


"They figured out who I am, they got pissed off that I beat the shit out of them when they attempted to harass someone and the color of the eyes. Apparently, it was too foreign for someone that is supposed to be full Amestrian. The irony of it, we are a mish-mash of people from different societies that there is no true Amestrian. Bigots..." Edward couldn't help but be reminded of those Pure Blood purest morons back at Great Britain. They were all slowly killing themselves, he had seen the family tree back in Black's home. He recognized the names and knew from that single lineage, how closely connected many of the families are connected. "We are going to have to quash that before it gets huge. Like before Major General Armstrong get her hands on them."

Alchemy:  Tiny StepsWhere stories live. Discover now