PART 16.

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I'm going through my wardrobe trying to find something sexy for Robyn to wear since there's nothing appropriate in her wardrobe, I pull out some clothes and pass them to her. She signs "Why do I have to do this? Why not you?" "Because Clint and I bonded, he'd be able to recognise me. But with you, he'll never see it coming, you're too innocent to pull off sexy." "Gee thanks." I laugh "But once I'm done with you... Just wait and see. While I get some stuff ready, put those clothes on."

This is so exciting! I've always wanted to dress my sister up, but she never let me before.

I've gathered all of my makeup and equipment, a few minutes later Robyn walks in "Looking good." She's wearing my black crop top, my black high waisted jean shorts which shows a slither of skin between the two, she's then got on my black knee high socks.

She looks so good in black!

I hand her a small black purse which she throws onto the bed, I hand her a red heart necklace and paint her nails red. I pick up a pot of hair gel and she gives me a funny look "What do you think you're doing with that?" "Changing your hair, just sit back and shut up." She does as she's told, I gel her short hair back revealing her ears for the first time in God knows how long! I don't put loads of gel in, just enough for it to hold in place, it changes her appearance drastically. I twirl her around on the spinny chair so she's facing me, I get on with her makeup. Since she doesn't own any makeup I have to use mine, the most important things I do is put on mascara and lipstick, I go for red.

Please like it! Please like it!

I turn the chair around so she's facing the mirror, her mouth drops open and I smile, she smiles back "That's not me." "No, it's not." Finally she puts on her own black heel-less boots, we don't want her tripping over her own feet, I hand her the purse and she shakes her head "It's a waste, I only have my phone and my wallet." She stuffs them in my shorts she's wearing and stands up straight, I look down at her "Ready?" "No."

We might need a little more than an appearance change.

I pick up a pair of my sunglasses and she puts them on "You need attitude." "Huh?" "Less nerves, more attitude." "Help me." "With pleasure."

I set Legolas up with the stranger without him even knowing, I stole his phone from him to use it, then realised he had some weird texts, so I replied then deleted the messages so he wouldn't find out. I stole his phone again about an hour ago and there wasn't a reply, but they might just turn up, so I invited Clint to Sammy's with me for lunch, he said 'sure.' I used the excuse that I wanted to learn sign language, which I do, but first I want to see an awkward moment between him and his date.

We've just arrived at Sammy's at 12:55pm, we order some food and head to a table, I make sure to keep an eye on the time, when it gets to 12:59pm I head to the restroom. I'm now poking my head around the restroom door, waiting. I hear a wheezing laugh and I look to my left to see Lauren standing with... A hot lady. She's wearing sunglasses, slightly-gelled back hair and a black sexy outfit, a small smile appearing on her red lips and wiggles her fingers at me. The pair walk over to me and Lauren waves. I speak clearly "Hey Lauren, what are you doing here?" She points to Legolas.

It was her who sent the texts! That's hilarious!

"It was you?" She nods "Who's your friend?" Her friend lowers the sunglasses down her nose revealing her brown eyes "Hi." She speaks quietly in a familiar accent, then it hits me "Robyn!?" She nods and pushes her sunglasses back up her nose "No way! What did you do?" She points to her sister, who's smirking "You planned this?" She nods "Well, go play." Robyn takes a deep breath, straightens her back and walks over to where Legolas is sitting with his back facing us.

AVENGERS: Soulmates.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat